Spell as a part of Plot

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Don Reichle, Aug 4, 2003.

  1. Don Reichle

    Don Reichle Guest

    Good Day;

    We have adapted the Plot command to issue the Spell command during its
    execution. This works fine except for the Spell command searching through
    the layer names. We are most concerned about the Mtext and Dtext entities.
    Is there a way to filter out anything that does not fit into either of these
    two catagories?

    Don Reichle
    Ifland Engineers, Inc.
    Don Reichle, Aug 4, 2003
  2. Don Reichle

    Don Reichle Guest

    Thanks, Dean.

    I had thought of that already. You know I was hoping that there were
    switches built in to the application that meant someone who actually used
    the product had been involved in the development. But hey, I didn't acquire
    the moniker of "King of Work-Arounds" for nothing :)
    Don Reichle, Aug 4, 2003
  3. Don Reichle

    Don Reichle Guest

    Oh did I forget to mention that we use LDD2i, which requires that you prefix
    each individual Pipe network with a different name so that you can do useful
    work with them? And then each network has the potential to create around a
    dozen different layers to perform its tasks. Whew, I really need a new
    crystal ball - the one I have is really getting cloudy regarding the
    potential Pipe Network names, not to mention the different Alignment names
    thrown in for good measure.

    Don Reichle
    "King of Work-Arounds"
    Don Reichle, Aug 4, 2003
  4. Don Reichle

    Don Reichle Guest

    I see that either I was able to stump you all. or that nobody uses this
    tool. I guess nobody makes misteaks!
    Don Reichle
    "King of Work-Arounds"
    Ifland Engineers, Inc.

    Don Reichle, Aug 8, 2003
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