Speeding up the ocnPrint() function

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Stephen Greenwood, May 31, 2007.

  1. I discovered that ocnPrint() can be very slow for larger data sets.
    Searching the archives of this group turned up this old post, in which
    the poster asks whether it's possible to speed up ocnPrint():


    The solutions offered later in that thread may have worked out well,
    but I found another one and thought I'd post it for the next person
    who searches the archives.

    I noticed that ocnPrint() is reasonably fast until the data gets above
    a certain size. I don't know what that size is, but one does get a
    warning if the printing exceeds 10000 points. To get around this, I
    simply embedded the ocnPrint() statement in a for() loop, printing 1%
    of the points each time through the loop. The index of the loop is
    used to control the ?from and ?to switches. Obviously the 1% is
    arbitrary, and can be increased or decreased for smaller or larger
    numbers of points, respectively.

    In my case, doing all the printing in a single statement took so long
    that I just killed it after letting it run for several hours. The
    looped version finished executing in under 5 minutes for ~20MB of

    Happy printing,
    Stephen Greenwood
    Stephen Greenwood, May 31, 2007
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