spectreVerilog fails to run in IC5033 environment

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Jan Hovius, Dec 3, 2004.

  1. Jan Hovius

    Jan Hovius Guest


    We finally migrated to IC5033 over here but now face the problem that
    our mixedsignal environment simply refuses to start (using the same
    design with the same state as used previously in our IC446 environment.
    There is no error reported at all in the spectreverilog output window
    ("spectre.out" file) and I can't find anything alarming in the
    respective simulation tree either. All is says after a while is:
    "Error" Problem encountered while executing verilog".

    I have been struggling with the same kind of problem in an environment
    where we had cadence (5033) integrated with Agilent's ADS environment.
    The exaxt same error was reported (this time in "pure" spectre mode).
    In the end this proved to be an OS-patch issue: Inside the ADS install
    tree there was a shared library module, which took precedence over the
    normal OS shared libs, conflicting with our OS.

    Does anybody out here happen to know whether we are confronting the
    same sort of problem with spectreVerilog?
    Any suggestion is welcome......


    Jan Hovius, Dec 3, 2004
  2. Hi,

    For some reason, I can't remember what, in our environment we have
    the LDV stream (verilog) always in front of the DFII stream (analog)
    in our PATH variable.


    Also we have an append to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable
    for the LDV stream (verilog).
    ( Be aware this is TCL, not shell syntax)

    setenv LDVHOME /<...>/cds/lnx86/ldv50_qsr2

    append-path PATH $env(LDVHOME)/tools/bin
    append-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $env(LDVHOME)/tools/lib

    Hope this helps,

    Bernd Fischer, Dec 3, 2004
  3. Jan Hovius

    JeeHoo Guest


    The problem is solved over here. It had nothing to do with shared libs but
    everything with a combination of factors:
    - The used LDV version
    - In combination with a configuration error in the testbench

    The newer LDV version could not handle this config error. Advancing to the
    latest LDV version we got installed (LDV51) did solve the problem (but still
    a huge performance degradation caused by this misconfiguration).
    I'm still puzzled why "LDV34" was able to handle this problem however.

    Anyway: Thx for the feedback.



    Jan Hovius
    Tel. +31 546 453988, Mob. + 31 6 46288417
    JeeHoo, Dec 7, 2004
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