spectreMDL and wavescan are driving me nuts

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Svenn Are Bjerkem, Jun 3, 2005.

  1. Hi,

    I have a well proven flip-flop that I want to run some characterization
    runs on. In a previous question I was made aware of SpectreMDL. Fine, I
    thought, let's give it a try.

    I wrote a netlist of my testbench out of artist and started hacking mdl
    files on the command line. I have used the dflop example in the mdlref
    pdf as template. I have successfully run the dflop tutorial example,
    just to have that mentioned.

    Of course, my bench is not working, and I try to debug what happens.
    Spectre writes a .raw directory that I try to read with wavescan. That
    works, but when I rerun the simulation there is no way that I can update
    the signal graphs. I have to close the wave window and double click on
    the signals in the list again. Very irritating, indeed.

    Next is that the simulation does not compute. I get the error message:

    Error found by spectre.
    Error in search binary function, check search condition for start

    My mdl look something like:
    // Control card

    alias measurement setup {
    export real vddelay, outcross, Tsetup, vcdelay, setdelay, maxq

    run tran1(stop=500p)

    vddelay = cross( sig=V(D), thresh=0.45, dir='rise, n=1 )
    vcdelay = cross( sig=V(CLK), thresh=0.45, dir='rise, n=1 )
    outcross = cross( sig=V(Q), thresh=0.45, dir='rise, n=1 )

    maxq = max(Q)
    setdelay = VDIN:delay
    Tsetup = vcdelay - vddelay


    search VDIN:delay from binary( start=350p, stop=450p, tol=1p ) {
    run setup
    } until (setup -> maxq < 0.45 )

    and the signal drivers look something like:

    VDIN (D VSS!) vsource type=pulse mag=0 phase=0 val0=0 val1=vvdd \
    period=1 delay=0 rise=50p fall=50p width=1
    VCLKN (CLK VSS!) vsource type=pulse mag=0 phase=0 val0=0 val1=vvdd \
    period=1 delay=200p rise=tflank fall=tflank \

    If somebody has an idea where I should start looking for the error or
    how to convince that wavescan in standalone mode to reload the
    simulation _and_ update the graphs, then I would be very thankful.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Jun 3, 2005
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