Spectre Warning -- No dc path from node to ground

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Vignesh, Nov 30, 2008.

  1. Vignesh

    Vignesh Guest

    I'm trying to simulate a circuit in Spectre. I having a warning which
    says " No dc path from node ... to ground. Gmin installed to
    provide....". I have a 1pF capacitor at the output. Am I missing

    Also, is there a way to perform analysis using Spectre ?

    Vignesh, Nov 30, 2008
  2. Vignesh

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Vignesh,

    Q1: If your node is connected to an ideal capacitor only, then this
    node would be floating during the DC analysis as a capacitor accounts
    for an open in DC. So to avoid this situation, Spectre inserts a 'big'
    resistor (R=1e12 Ohm) between this node and the ground. Well actually
    Spectre inserts the conductance gmin whose default value is 1p, that's
    why I talked about a resistor of 1e12 Ohm earlier. This is a normal
    warning and there is nothing to worry about. You won't see this
    problem if your node is connected to a real capacitor. Real capacitor
    do a have a finite serial resistance.

    BTW, These are few notes from the Spectre User Manual, I have provided
    the path to this manual in previous post.
    Chapter 14: "Identifying Problems and Troubleshooting" -> Section
    "Spectre Warning Messages" -> Topology Messages

    "Notice from spectre during topology check.
    Only one connection to the following node: 4
    No DC path from node `4' to ground, Gmin installed to provide path.
    The Spectre topology checker identifies floating nodes and
    automatically inserts a gmin
    resistor (1e12 Ohms) to prevent a non-isolated solution. The Spectre
    simulator then displays
    a message telling you what it did."

    Q2: I don't quite understand what do you mean by :
    "is there a way to perform analysis using Spectre ?"
    Spectre is capable of DC, AC, Tran, Noise, S-Parameters ... analysis.
    Loads of them really. Just give a look at the Spectre Manual.

    Hope this help.
    Riad KACED, Nov 30, 2008
  3. Vignesh

    Vignesh Guest

    Oops!! I meant " Power Analysis".
    And thanks for the capacitor info!!. I was picky about it b'coz I
    assumed that it could be something serious.
    Anyways, thanks a bunch.

    Vignesh, Nov 30, 2008
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