Spectre S-parameter based modeling- Stability issues

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by madhu, Nov 29, 2006.

  1. madhu

    madhu Guest

    Hi All,

    I am using n-port component in spectre to perform time domain
    simulation using touchstone s-parameter files for power planes which
    are obtained 3D full wave tools. In many cases, the simulation explodes
    due to stabiltiy reasons. What are the possible causes of this and how
    can one solve this issue. Does Spectre n-port component use convolution
    methods to perform time domain simulation from frequency domain
    s-parameter data? if so how does it enforce passivity in the model. Is
    it possible to enforce passivity for the data and then try in spectre
    again. Please share your ideas and views on this. Thanks in advance.

    madhu, Nov 29, 2006
  2. There is an application note on sourcelink (I think if you search for
    "nport app note" or "nport application note" you should find it) which
    covers the various settings in more detail.

    Most problems are caused by insufficient data in the s-parameter file. You need
    to go to sufficiently low frequency (the s-parameters want to be smooth if you
    extrapolate them), and also high frequency - it is silly simulating at (say)
    6GHz if your s-parameters are only up to 6GHz, as there is no information
    as to what happens to the harmonics. Extrapolation might be non-physical
    and hence non-causal.

    You also need to ensure that there are sufficient points to give a smooth
    response within the s-parameter range.

    When using interpolation method of linear or spline, it uses a convolution
    based approach; with rational, it uses a rational (lumped) model based
    approach - usually convolution is quick and more accurate - note I would
    nearly always recommend setting usewindow=yes, BTW.

    But more is in the app note.


    Andrew Beckett, Dec 3, 2006
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