spectre runObj ROF file

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Jos, Dec 14, 2005.

  1. Jos

    Jos Guest


    we are runnig spectre stand-alone from the command-line, but in some
    events we want to use the Analog Environment to view certain results
    (e.g. dc-backannotation, ...). This requires that the simulation
    results contain the ROF file (runObj), which is not generated when you
    use spectre from the command-line

    I know that the ROF file can be create from the results browser by
    using the middle mouse button.
    But is there also a more general way such as a skill-function, or
    perhaps a certain options for spectre which will generate this file?

    thanks for any feedback!
    Jos, Dec 14, 2005
  2. Jos,

    It's a file needed by the old waveform tool. wavescan doesn't need it. So
    it's not generate by spectre, but the ADE integration code.

    It's generated if you use the OCEAN function openResults("/path/to/results/dir")
    (I think). Certainly if OCEAN is used to post-process results, you don't need to
    manually create it, so I suspect it's openResults() that does this. It's like
    doing a Results->Select in ADE.


    Andrew Beckett, Dec 14, 2005
  3. Jos

    Erik Wanta Guest

    It looks like the function to create the runObjFile is

    Erik Wanta, Jan 6, 2006
  4. But this is a private (internal) function, and liable to change/removal. I'd
    advise against using it.

    Andrew Beckett, Jan 12, 2006
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