spectre pnoise / timedomain - unexpected results

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by oliver, Dec 3, 2006.

  1. oliver

    oliver Guest

    Hi all,

    I have run a basic pnoise simulation of an ideal sine wave in series
    with a 603.6 kohm resistance generating a 100nV/sqrt(Hz) white noise.

    When plotting the output noise, the spectral density given by the
    pnoise/sources and the pnoise/modulated (USB/LSB) is 100nV/sqrt(Hz)
    as expected.

    However the spectral density given by the pnoise/timedomain is
    458.4 nV/sqrt(Hz) in both time and frequency domains [but the density
    is flat vs time and frequency as expected].

    I have tried in cadence versions 5.0.33_USR3 and 5.10.41_USR3: they
    give the same result.

    Does anyone have an idea why the noise given by the PNOISE/TIMEDOMAIN
    is higher than expected?

    oliver, Dec 3, 2006
  2. Are you sweeping the frequency above half the pss fundamental in the timedomain
    pnoise simulation? Because timedomain noise is sampling the output (at the same
    rate as the pss - it strobes the noise at a timepoint in the period), you cannot
    sweep above half the pss fundamential - otherwise you get aliasing from this
    sampling process.


    Andrew Beckett, Jan 9, 2007
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