Spectre netlist with ADE

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by pezuc, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. pezuc

    pezuc Guest

    I have created a spectre netlist (no schematic, just a netlist text
    file) and I want to know if is it possible to use this netlist file as
    input to run a simulation with ADE.

    The other possibility is to run the simulation directly from the
    command line (spectre my_netlist.scs). I tried this, but a lot of
    error related to library files appear.

    Thank you,
    pezuc, Jun 3, 2008
  2. pezuc

    agnonchik Guest

    I tried this, but a lot of
    You should use -I to specify path to the libraries. The other useful
    option is -E (preprocessing).
    Take runSpectre script as a prototype.
    agnonchik, Jun 3, 2008
  3. pezuc

    Riad KACED Guest


    1. Passing through ADE is for any use in your case
    2. It seems that you are missing the include of your Spectre Model
    Cards. Your input netlist should come with an include of Spectre Model
    files for each used model, something like:
    include "PATH_TO_MODELS/yourModelFile.scs"
    include "PATH_TO_MODELS/yourModelFile.scs" section=typ
    if the section is needed (typ in here but could be else)

    If you run spectre with the '-I' option as said before, something
    spectre -I/PATH_TO_MODELS ... input.scs (no blank after the -I)
    then you don't need to write:
    include "PATH_TO_MODELS/youModelFile.scs" but
    include "yourModelFile.scs" is good enough since the -I option runs
    the C preprocessor and searches the
    directory dir for include files.

    You can have one or more include files, depends how your models are
    UNIX> spectre -h include
    or read the spectre User/Ref docs.

    3. As explained by Andrew in a previous post :
    " ... runSpectre is what the script is called if you're using the old
    (obsolete, and
    dropped in releases after IC5141) spectreS interface". So look at the
    'runSimulation' from Spectre Direct rather.

    4. It would helpful for the future if you post your error messages,
    this is very handy for the community to help and debug ;-)

    Hope it helps !

    Riad KACED, Jun 4, 2008
  4. pezuc

    pezuc Guest

    Thank you very much for your answers,
    I think I should explain a little bit more what my problem is (you are
    right, the output with errors always help :) ). I created an schematic
    that contains just a few vdc sources and a subcircuit that is repeated
    6 times (this subcircuit contains 2 pmos and 3 nmos transistors). I
    simulate this circuit using ADE and everything works fine. But, the
    case is that I need to repeat this subciruit 1024 times (a matrix of
    32x32 for a vision chip). So, I made a very simple c++ program that
    writes my netlist (fullciruit.scs) containing 1024 subcircuits with
    the corresponding 1024 vdc sources with different values simulating
    different stimulus from different pixels.

    The header of fullcircuit.scs (my c++ generated netlist), with its
    corresponding includes and so, is exactly the same as the one in the
    netlist that ADE created for the schematic I created first
    (input.scs). As no other elements are added to the circuit (except for
    the repetition of the same subcircuit) I guess that the included files
    should be the same for both circuits (the models for the nmos and pmos
    transistors are the same for the elements in input.scs and

    To run the simlation of fullcircuit.scs I put it in the same directory
    as input.scs. Then I edit the runSimulation file (that is in the same
    directory as input.scs and fullcircuit.scs) and replace the name of
    the schematic file (input.scs) for the new schematic
    (fullcircuit.scs). Then I type ./runSimulation in the command line,
    and the following error appears:

    Error found by spectre in `modp':`WTA31_310_0.MP1', in
    during hierarchy flattening.
    "/ic_tools/ams_v3.70/spectre/c35/cmos53.scs" 556: parameter
    Unknown parameter name `mv_modp53' found in expression.

    "/ic_tools/ams_v3.70/spectre/c35/cmos53.scs" 556: parameter
    Unknown parameter name `mu_modp53' found in expression.

    This error repeats several times.

    As the simulations goes ok with ADE I thought that maybe the ADE
    environment could accept a netlist as input, so I could try this
    option, but it looks like I will have to look for another solution...

    pezuc, Jun 4, 2008
  5. Well, there must be some difference in the files - the error suggests that it's
    expecting to have a parameter mu_modp53 defined. Either the input.scs had this
    parameter defined, or it included a file with that parameter definition with in.

    Fundamentally ADE runs spectre with an input file - nothing particularly magic
    about that. So if you're getting errors in a batch simulation, it's because you
    have an error in your netlist or command line to spectre.


    Andrew Beckett, Jun 6, 2008
  6. pezuc

    Riad KACED Guest


    Since You've got this running from ADE, why don't you give a look at
    the generated files in your run directory:
    1. The 'input.scs' file is the main netlist, make sure that all the
    'include' statements in this file are also in there with your stand
    alone netlist
    2. the 'runSimulation' shell script for any -I option and make sure
    you do so in your own stand alone run.


    Riad KACED, Jun 10, 2008
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