spectre doesn't work...

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by yempwg, Nov 30, 2007.

  1. yempwg

    yempwg Guest

    on the left top corner of ADE, the 'Status:" shows "Ready" but the
    display on the right top corner which is normally shows "T=27 C
    Simulator: spectre" is not there but is covered with a black color
    region... (which means can't see anything...)

    during the simulation, at the end of the log file window showed:
    Notice from spectre.
    Waiting for available license for Virtuoso (R) Spectre (R).
    Waiting for available license for Virtuoso (R) Spectre (R).
    Waiting for available license for Virtuoso (R) Spectre (R).
    Waiting for available license for Virtuoso (R) Spectre (R).
    Waiting for available license for Virtuoso (R) Spectre (R).
    Further occurrences of this notice will be suppressed.
    Fatal error found by spectre.
    FATAL (SPECTRE-205): You do not have permission to run Virtuoso
    (R) Spectre (R).

    but when i check the spectre license, the license is there...
    i think most probably is the environment setting problem... but i
    can't figure out...
    i hope somebody can help me on this issue...
    thanks in advance...

    here is my CDS.log file:
    \o Program: @(#)$CDS: icfb.exe version 5.1.0 10/15/2007 00:32
    (cicln04) $
    \o Hierarchy: /cadence/IC5141ISR1019/tools.lnx86/dfII/
    \o Sub version: sub-version (32-bit addresses)
    \o Host name (type): coware (i686)
    \o Operating system: Linux 2.6.9-5.EL #1 Wed Jan 5 19:22:18 EST 2005
    \o X display name: :0.0
    \o X server: The X.Org Foundation
    \o Depth of Visual (Root): 24 (24)
    \o Number of Planes Used: 24
    \o X version: 11.0 (vendor release 60801000)
    \o Window Manager: other
    \o User Name: cadence
    \o Working Directory: coware:/home/cadence
    \o Process Id: 3055
    \o (c) 1992-2005 UNIX SYSTEMS Laboratories INC.,
    \o Reproduced with permission.
    \o This Cadence Design Systems program and online documentation are
    \o proprietary/confidential information and may be disclosed/used only
    \o as authorized in a license agreement controlling such use and
    \o Use/reproduction/disclosure is subject to restriction
    \o set forth at FAR 1252.227-19 or its equivalent.
    \p >
    \o 8-bit PseudoColor Visual is not available (default Visual option).
    \o Using 24-bit TrueColor Visual.
    \o The program xdpyinfo can be used to verify the Visuals available
    \o for your display.
    \o Loading PRshare.cxt
    \o Loading LVS.cxt
    \o Loading layerProc.cxt
    \o Loading ams.cxt
    \o Loading acv.cxt
    \o Loading auCore.cxt
    \o Loading schView.cxt
    \o Loading selectSv.cxt
    \o Loading seismic.cxt
    \o Loading NCSU CDK 1.5.1 customizations...
    \o loading vars from /cadence/ncsu-cdk-1.5.1/cdssetup/cdsenv for tool
    \o Loading awv.cxt
    \o loading vars from /cadence/ncsu-cdk-1.5.1/cdssetup/cdsenv for tool
    \o loading vars from /cadence/ncsu-cdk-1.5.1/cdssetup/cdsenv for tool
    \o loading vars from /cadence/ncsu-cdk-1.5.1/cdssetup/cdsenv for tool
    \o loading vars from /cadence/ncsu-cdk-1.5.1/cdssetup/cdsenv for tool
    \o loading vars from /cadence/ncsu-cdk-1.5.1/cdssetup/cdsenv for tool
    \o loading vars from /cadence/ncsu-cdk-1.5.1/cdssetup/cdsenv for tool
    \o loading vars from /cadence/ncsu-cdk-1.5.1/cdssetup/cdsenv for tool
    \o loading vars from /cadence/ncsu-cdk-1.5.1/cdssetup/cdsenv for tool
    \w *WARNING* Cannot find /cadence/IC5141ISR1019/tools.lnx86/dfII/etc/
    tools/aimenv directory to load environment variables
    \o loading vars from /cadence/ncsu-cdk-1.5.1/cdssetup/cdsenv for tool
    \o loading vars from ~/.cdsenv for tool layoutOptimize
    \o loading vars from /cadence/ncsu-cdk-1.5.1/cdssetup/cdsenv for tool
    \o loading vars from ~/.cdsenv for tool spectre
    \o loading vars from ~/.cdsenv for tool asimenv
    \w *WARNING* There were no system .cdsplotinit files found.
    \w *WARNING* There were no system .cdsplotinit files found.
    \o Loading NCSU SKILL routines...
    \o Loading oasis.cxt
    \o Loading analog.cxt
    \o Loading spectreSi.cxt
    \o Loading asimenv.cxt
    \o Loading hspicei.cxt
    \o Failure to get license
    \o Done loading NCSU_CDK customizations.
    yempwg, Nov 30, 2007
  2. What happens when you run lmstat -a on the same commandline as you
    started icfb?
    What does the content of your $LM_LICENSE_FILE claim to be the server?
    Is it a fully qualified internet name (like aserver.mydomain.com) or
    just aserver?
    Try to ping that server both shortname (aserver) and fqdn
    What is your CDS_LIC_FILE set to? 5280@aserver:/path/to/license? try
    setting it to ......

    It is possible to deny the use of a FEATURE from the license file for
    specific users. Check with your local EDA support if you happen to be
    on the deny list.

    Maybe all available licenses are locked. ADE in std. mode locks a
    spectre license at all times. If so try to get the licenses to be used
    in batch mode. Startup is a bit longer, but no permanent license is
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Nov 30, 2007
  3. yempwg

    yempwg Guest

    thanx Svenn...

    i've solved the problem....


    yempwg, Dec 12, 2007
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