Spectre does not use new netlist

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Dee, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. Dee

    Dee Guest

    A while back, there was a post about spectre (via ADE in interactive
    mode) not using the new netlist when changing component values on the
    schematic. The workaround was to use spectre in batch mode,
    resulting in longer simulation load times when only changing variables
    in ADE.

    The fix:

    Check to see that there is only one entry per license file in the
    environment variables LM_LICENSE_FILE or CDS_LIC_FILE. ex:
    LM_LICENSE_FILE={path}/cadence_license:{other license files}
    For speediest performance, unset LM_LICENSE_FILE. Even though the
    docs claim that CDS_LIC_FILE has precedence over LM_LICENSE_FILE, we
    found that the latter is still parsed when icfb loads.

    The length of CDS_LIC_FILE/LM_LICENSE_FILE also affects how long it
    takes icfb to load. In my case, there was an order of magnitude
    improvement for the time it takes the CIW window to come up. Another
    positive side effect is that ADE->Simulation->Netlist and Run (with
    spectre) is be MUCH quicker.

    The why:

    The cause of netlist problem has to do with license checking causing
    interprocess communication timing problems between spectre and ADE.
    Depending on how/where one's environment variables are set,
    LM_LICENSE_FILE or CDS_LIC_FILE may have duplicate entries for license
    files. ex:


    After much debugging, we discovered that Cadence spends time checking
    through EVERY license file that is listed in the environment variables
    even though the Cadence license file is listed first. This happens
    for IC446, IC5.0.33 on both solaris and linux platforms.
    The time taken to parse every listed (duplicated!) license file makes
    many parts of cadence slow to load (spectre, icfb, ocean scripts)

    This slowness is exacerbated if both CDS_LIC_FILE and LM_LICENSE_FILE
    are set and a non-cadence license file which has many features is
    listed multiple times (in my case, another tool with over 400
    entries). I was waiting upwards of 20 seconds before spectre would
    even *start running* after 'Netlist & Run' on a ~20 transistor
    schematic (as a single user on a linux dual 3GHz cpu, 2Gig RAM
    machine!). Now, the same simulation FINISHES in under 10 seconds.

    I'm not sure why Cadence checks the other license files once it finds
    its own. (or even whether this is a feature or a bug!)

    Dee, Jul 26, 2004
  2. Dee

    Erik Wanta Guest

    We have 4 license paths in $CDS_LIC_FILE. I have seen the case where
    one license server goes down and it takes 5 minutes for icfb to come
    up. Have you opened a SR with Cadence to improve the license file
    Erik Wanta, Jul 27, 2004
  3. Dee

    Spaceghost Guest

    Hi guys, thanks for all the suggestions! I've talked to a bunch of other
    grad students at other schools and this is a real problem with Cadence and
    the Analog Environment. The license files were suspects. For now I'm going
    to try out all the suggestions and see what happens.

    Spaceghost, Jul 27, 2004
  4. Dee

    Dee Guest


    I submitted two service requests related to this (SR 32893732: Spectre
    takes a long time to load) and (SR 32893816: ADE not simulating latest netlist)
    They were quick to respond, unfortunately, their suggestions were not too

    After we discovered that it was licensing that was causing the problems
    I let them know that the two requests were related.

    Dee, Jul 27, 2004
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