Specific line length

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Caved, Jun 3, 2004.

  1. Caved

    Caved Guest

    I am looking for a lisp routine that will allow for me select all lines of a
    specific length. The one I currently and using does not work the way I want.
    For example it will work on lines of say 1" but will not work with lengths
    of 3.875". Finding the problem in the routine below is beyond me.


    (defun c:linelength()
    (if (not asked-length)(setq asked-length 660.0)) ; just a length
    (setq answer-asked-length (getreal (strcat "Enter length <" (rtos
    asked-length) ">:")))
    (if answer-asked-length (setq asked-length answer-asked-length))
    (setq tolerance 1e-12)
    (setq entity-list nil)
    (setq entity-list (ssadd)) ; create new, empty selection set

    (setq teller 0)
    (setq entlyst (ssget "X")) ; select every thing in the drawing
    (setq entlystl (sslength entlyst))

    (while (< teller entlystl) ; test through all entities
    (setq entityname (ssname entlyst teller))
    (setq entdatalyst (entget(ssname entlyst teller)))
    (setq enttype (cdr(assoc 0 entdatalyst)))

    (if (= enttype "LINE") ; test if entity is a line

    (setq assoc10 (assoc 10 entdatalyst))
    (setq p10 (cdr assoc10)) ; WCS coordinates
    (setq p10 (trans p10 0 1)) ; UCS coordinates

    (setq assoc11 (assoc 11 entdatalyst))
    (setq p11 (cdr assoc11)) ; WCS coordinates
    (setq p11 (trans p11 0 1)) ; UCS coordinates

    (setq line-length (distance p10 p11))

    (if (< (abs(- line-length asked-length))tolerance) ; test length of line
    (setq entity-list (ssadd entityname entity-list))


    (setq teller (+ 1 teller))

    (setq set entity-list) ; short name for the set of selected objects
    (princ (sslength set))(princ " lines selected")(princ)
    (princ ", Call this set in responce to 'select objects' with: !set")(princ)

    (princ "\nStart command: linelength")(princ)
    Caved, Jun 3, 2004
  2. Caved

    Caved Guest

    Ok, it will work on lines *.875 or what ever. But, if I crank up the units
    percision to 1/256 the line is actually *-115/128 and it will not select
    Thanks, again.
    Caved, Jun 3, 2004
  3. Caved

    Caved Guest

    Same result. Qselect will work for lines of say 3.875" but will not select
    3-115/128", regardless of the format ( 3.8984375" for example) I use.
    Caved, Jun 3, 2004
  4. Caved

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Caved

    How about this:
    (defun SelLinesByLength ( / CurEnt CurSet EntCnt LinLgt TmpStr TmpLen)
    (vl-load-com) ;initialize ActiveX support
    (or Gb:Len (setq Gb:Len 1.0)) ;set default length
    (if (setq CurSet (ssget "X" '((0 . "LINE")))) ;filter for line(s)
    (progn ;if line(s) found...
    (initget 6) ;not zero or negative
    (setq TmpStr (strcat "\nLine length for filter <" (rtos Gb:Len) ">: ")
    TmpLen (getdist TmpStr) ;get length
    Gb:Len (cond (TmpLen) (Gb:Len)) ;set to user input or default
    EntCnt 0 ;set entity counter
    (repeat (sslength CurSet) ;scan selection set
    (setq CurEnt (ssname CurSet EntCnt) ;extract entity
    LinLgt (vla-get-Length ;get the length of the
    (vlax-ename->vla-object CurEnt) ;line object
    (if (equal Gb:Len LinLgt 1e-8) ;if length ~equal...
    (setq EntCnt (1+ EntCnt)) ;get next entity
    (ssdel CurEnt CurSet) ;else... remove entity
    ) ;from selection set
    CurSet ;return selection set

    Jürg Menzi, Jun 3, 2004
  5. Caved

    Caved Guest

    The following error is returned when running the below routine.

    Command: matchlines
    no function definition: SELLINESBYLENGTH

    Any help is appreciated as I am trying to learn this stuff and get the job
    done at the same time.


    (defun C:MatchLines ( / CurSet)
    (if (setq CurSet (SelLinesByLength))
    (alert (strcat (itoa (length CurSet)) " matching line(s) found.")
    (alert "No matching lines found.")
    defun SelLinesByLength ( / CurEnt CurSet EntCnt LinLgt TmpStr TmpLen)
    (vl-load-com) ;initialize ActiveX support
    (or Gb:Len (setq Gb:Len 1.0)) ;set default length
    (if (setq CurSet (ssget "X" '((0 . "LINE")))) ;filter for line(s)
    (progn ;if line(s) found...
    (initget 6) ;not zero or negative
    (setq TmpStr (strcat "\nLine length for filter <" (rtos Gb:Len) ">: ")
    TmpLen (getdist TmpStr) ;get length
    Gb:Len (cond (TmpLen) (Gb:Len)) ;set to user input or default
    EntCnt 0 ;set entity counter
    (repeat (sslength CurSet) ;scan selection set
    (setq CurEnt (ssname CurSet EntCnt) ;extract entity
    LinLgt (vla-get-Length ;get the length of the
    (vlax-ename->vla-object CurEnt) ;line object
    (if (equal Gb:Len LinLgt 1e-8) ;if length ~equal...
    (setq EntCnt (1+ EntCnt)) ;get next entity
    (ssdel CurEnt CurSet) ;else... remove entity
    ) ;from selection set
    CurSet ;return selection set
    Caved, Jun 3, 2004
  6. Caved

    David Bethel Guest

    (defun c:findline (/ len fuzz ss i en ed ls)

    (initget 7)
    (setq len (getdist "\nLine Lengths To Find: "))

    (initget 6)
    (setq fuzz (getreal "\nFuzz Factor For Equal Line Length <1e-8>: "))
    (and (not fuzz)
    (setq fuzz 1e-8))

    (and (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "LINE"))))
    (setq i (sslength ss)
    ls (ssadd))
    (while (not (minusp (setq i (1- i))))
    (setq en (ssname ss i)
    ed (entget en))
    (if (equal len (distance (cdr (assoc 10 ed))
    (cdr (assoc 11 ed))) fuzz)
    (ssadd en ls))))

    (command "_.SELECT" ls ""))

    David Bethel, Jun 3, 2004
  7. <clip>
    defun SelLinesByLength ( / CurEnt CurSet EntCnt LinLgt TmpStr TmpLen)


    must be

    (defun SelLinesByLength ( / CurEnt CurSet EntCnt LinLgt TmpStr TmpLen)

    note the "("
    Marc'Antonio Alessi, Jun 5, 2004
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