Special Problem with pcell evaluation

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Guenther Sohler, Jul 17, 2007.

  1. Hallo, I am trying code a pcell with a special functionality.

    It works like this:

    * user changes pcell properties
    * pcell code is evaluated, values are calculated, shapes are drawn,

    but NOW: The pcell code should be able to store some calculated values
    in the pcell instance itself
    This is now the trick. How can pcell code access to the instance itself ?

    Maybe its just possible using some pre-pcell or post-pcell evaluation
    trigger functions.

    thank you.
    Guenther Sohler, Jul 17, 2007
  2. No, you cannot (safely) do this, and should not try to do it. The reason being
    that what would happen if there are multiple instances? The pcell code is only
    evaluated once per variant - everyone would scream about performance otherwise -
    and so each combination of parameters that exists builds a submaster. Any time
    the same combination of parameters is encountered, it simply uses that pre-built
    submaster; no need to call anything.

    Similarly, if you start in a new session, the instance which triggers the pcell
    submaster to be built will effectively be random - and anyway, I doubt you would
    want it updating any instance when you open the layout six months after a

    What are you actually trying to implement? (i.e. why does it need to do this).
    Perhaps I can suggest a better approach?


    Andrew Beckett, Jul 19, 2007
  3. Guenther Sohler

    cadence Guest

    The pcell code can put put properties on the pcell master but not on
    pcell instance. Then external programs are allowed to look at the
    master of the instance to read these properties. Which programs need
    to read these (feedback) properties? If they are programs you are
    writing yourself, can't you simply get the properties off the master
    instead of expecting them on the instance?

    cadence, Jul 19, 2007
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