Spaces in path to start application from autocad

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by connie, Apr 2, 2005.

  1. connie

    connie Guest

    I'm trying to add a menu in my custom menu that will lauch an excel file
    where the path contains spaces. Before posting, i researched for about 5
    days on how to go around spaces in path but did not find a solution.
    can anyone correct what I'm doing wrong?
    Show Project listing works fine because the are no spaces. Show project
    listing2 has spaces and cannot lauch the excel file.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance,


    [->HELP FILES]
    ID_Show Project Listing_0 [Show Project Listing]_start;
    ID_Show Project Listing2_0 [Show Project Listing2]_start; "H://CEG ACTIVE
    PROJECTS LIST/Current Project Listing.XLS";
    connie, Apr 2, 2005
  2. place it in quotes "some file"
    Paul Richardson, Apr 2, 2005
  3. connie

    kozmos Guest

    try to add a couple of "\042" at the start and end of the file path string
    kozmos, Apr 2, 2005
  4. connie

    connie Guest

    I tried that, that didnt work.

    Thanks for helping tho,


    connie, Apr 4, 2005
  5. connie

    connie Guest

    i tried your suggestion.

    ID_Show Current Project Listing6_0 [Show Current Project
    Listing6]_start;"042\H:\CEG ACTIVE PROJECTS LIST\Current Project

    Thanks for your help.
    connie, Apr 4, 2005
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