SpacePilot vs. SpaceBall

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by ksudavid, Oct 27, 2006.

  1. ksudavid

    ksudavid Guest

    I have the oppurtunity to get a SpacePilot or a SpaceBall from 3D Connexion.
    I was wondering if any of you had experience and input on the new
    ksudavid, Oct 27, 2006
  2. ksudavid

    C[[]] Guest

    I have always used a sapceball since the beginning of my swx career
    (v99). i actually find it very difficult not to have one, it really
    slows me down. i just had the opportunity to get the pilot and i must
    say it stomps the ball. it is incredibley smooth. the ball wears out
    and gets really shakey, my ball at home right now is pretty much shot
    afte 3 yrs. i just got the pilot so i dont know what it's shelf life is
    going to be but the predefined buttons are awsome. my only gripe about
    either poduct (and this is more for my parents DNA) the ball buttons
    2/3 are too far for me to comfortably use, the pilot are even futher
    away. ( i know i know small hand small.....;-)

    C[[]], Oct 27, 2006
  3. Get the SpacePilot, simple as that. I love mine and feel lost without
    Jeff Mirisola, Oct 27, 2006
  4. I tried a SpaceBall and didn't like the feel of the ball. I tried a
    SpacePilot and like that "handle" much better. Since I use keyboard hotkeys
    "a lot" I don't use the configurable buttons on the SP as much as I could,
    but I still have programmed a few and use them. I like mine.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 27, 2006
  5. ksudavid

    jmather Guest

    I have a SpaceBall (lab), SpacePilot (office) and a SpaceTraveler
    (home). I don't use the buttons much so the SpacePilot is really
    overkill for me. I prefer my SpaceTraveler. Maybe if I used the
    buttons more...
    jmather, Oct 27, 2006
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