Spacepilot by 3dconnexion (Logitech)

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Jerry, Apr 19, 2005.

  1. Jerry

    Jerry Guest

    Has anyone used a spacepilot. A product made by the same people as
    Spaceball. How does it work with ProE.

    Jerry, Apr 19, 2005
  2. Jerry

    md1 Guest

    I've been using a 3D Connexion (3DX), SpacePilot with ProE Wildfire for a
    few days now and it works great! It performs equally well in model,
    analysis, sketch & detail modes. I was concerned that the SpacePilot would
    not have the precise motion control & feel as I have become accustom to with
    the SpaceMouse Classic or SpaceMouse Plus, but not so. In fact, I think I
    like the control/feel even better with the SpacePilot. The sleek base is
    very stable during use (unlike other non-SpaceMouse controllers I've used).
    Button programming is easy. If you can create a map-key in ProE, you can
    easily program the SpacePilot. The LCD display and 6 associated buttons are
    very useful additions. With the "config" key you can page through multiple
    sets of ProE commands (stored user configurations) with each command & it's
    respective button listed in a table on the LCD. If you don't want to create
    map keys there are plenty of preset ProE commands provided. I can't believe
    that 3DX has added all that value & functionality to the SpacePilot and
    still kept their selling price at the same level as the SpaceMouse Plus.
    md1, May 5, 2005
  3. Jerry

    Nickoli Guest

    I've been using mine for a few days now as well and can only agree with
    what md1 has said. I previouly used the spacemouse plus and was very
    impressed with that, but the addtion of the LCD to the space pilot has
    made it even better for customisation.

    The inclusion of the standard keys (Ctrl, Shift, etc, 3D lock, fit etc)
    also adds to the functionality and I find the sensitivity adjustment
    very useful. However, these were basically all the keys I had dialled
    in to the preset buttons on the spacemouse plus so I'm a bit at a loss
    as to what else to program in (any suggestions appreciated).

    Overall, I think its a great step on from the spacemouse plus and at
    the price I think its a great addition to the daily ProE user (I now
    find it difficult going back to not using one on another persons

    Nickoli, May 31, 2005
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