SpaceMouse Plus

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by andrewgrove, Nov 11, 2006.

  1. andrewgrove

    andrewgrove Guest

    Can anyone tell me how to program a button on my spacemouse plus to
    issue a command that would duplicate selecting the "Iso View" button on
    the vew selection toolbar. Is it just me or did someone forget to give
    3DConnexions a list of SolidWorks commands for the default SW addin?
    There is a preprogrammed selection for every Inventor command and
    Inventor should not be better than SolidWorks.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Andrew Grove
    andrewgrove, Nov 11, 2006
  2. andrewgrove

    Muggs Guest


    OK (for Daisy) I'll assume that it's the same for the Space Traveler.
    In SolidWorks on the 3DConnexion toolbar click on "Show Mapping Panel"
    (the one that looks like a slice of bread).
    On the scroll bar on the left scroll down to Standard Views, double
    click the hammer, choose the view that you want,(Isometric in this case)
    and drag it over to your preferred button.

    Muggs, Nov 11, 2006
  3. andrewgrove

    andrewgrove Guest


    Thanks for the feedback, funny thing though. The button mapping menu
    that comes up when I hit the 3DConnexions icon in my quick launch
    toolbar does not agree with the mapping that I arrange using the tool
    in the SolidWorks environment. The spacemouse obides to the mapping
    that comes up from my quick launch, not the one edited in SW. There
    does not seem to be a tool that allows you to save the configuration
    after changes have been made.

    Andrew Grove
    andrewgrove, Nov 11, 2006
  4. andrewgrove

    Muggs Guest


    The buttons are application specific. My #4 button is different in SW
    (Dimetric) than in MasterCam.

    Muggs, Nov 11, 2006
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