space-based router issues

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Erick, Dec 24, 2009.

  1. Erick

    Erick Guest

    Hi All,

    I run the space-based router with IC61x, but the auorouter stop since
    there are some issues, these issues are listed as followings.

    It looks like the route spec is NOT well prepared. How to configure
    the route spec virtuosoDefaultExtractorSetup?

    what is the route spec CG__0 , he route spec CG__2, he route spec
    CG__3 .......? where can we see them?

    where can we find Route spec virtuosoDefaultTaper?

    How to use space-based router correctly? I've read the manual but not
    figured out how to use it yet.

    Does someone have the tutorial or workshop for space-based router?

    \w *WARNING* Diff pair, matched length, symmetry and shielded routing
    cannot be run through the Automatic Router GUI. Please route diff
    pair, symmetry and shielding with the Wire Editor/R-IDE, and matched
    length with R-IDE.
    \o Opening example/cell_1/layout
    \w *WARNING* The validRoutingVias constraint is empty in route spec
    \w *WARNING* No appropriate vias found in route spec
    virtuosoDefaultExtractorSetup for layer PC
    \w *WARNING* No appropriate vias found in route spec
    virtuosoDefaultExtractorSetup for layer M1
    \w *WARNING* No appropriate vias found in route spec
    virtuosoDefaultExtractorSetup for layer M2
    \w *WARNING* No appropriate vias found in route spec
    virtuosoDefaultExtractorSetup for layer M3
    \w *WARNING* No appropriate vias found in route spec
    virtuosoDefaultExtractorSetup for layer M4
    \w *WARNING* No appropriate vias found in route spec
    virtuosoDefaultExtractorSetup for layer M5
    \w *WARNING* No appropriate vias found in route spec
    virtuosoDefaultExtractorSetup for layer BA
    \w *WARNING* No appropriate vias found in route spec
    virtuosoDefaultExtractorSetup for layer OA
    \w *WARNING* No appropriate vias found in route spec
    virtuosoDefaultExtractorSetup for layer LD
    \w *WARNING* The validRoutingVias constraint is empty in route spec
    \w *WARNING* No appropriate vias found in route spec CG__0 for layer
    \w *WARNING* The validRoutingVias constraint is empty in route spec
    \w *WARNING* The validRoutingVias constraint is empty in route spec
    \w *WARNING* The validRoutingVias constraint is empty in route spec
    \w *WARNING* The validRoutingVias constraint is empty in route spec
    \w *WARNING* The validRoutingVias constraint is empty in route spec
    \w *WARNING* The validRoutingVias constraint is empty in route spec
    \w *WARNING* The validRoutingVias constraint is empty in route spec
    \w *WARNING* The validRoutingVias constraint is empty in route spec
    \w *WARNING* No validRoutingVias constraint found in route spec
    \w *WARNING* The error message "No appropriate vias found in route
    spec $routeSpecName for layer $layerName" occurred 252 times during
    this command.
    \w The error message "The validRoutingVias constraint is empty in
    route spec $routeSpecName" occurred 27 times during this command.
    \w *WARNING* Route spec virtuosoDefaultTaper not found
    \w *WARNING* The error message "No appropriate vias found in route
    spec $routeSpecName for layer $layerName" occurred 243 times during
    this command.
    \o Limit layers is
    \o The keyword "existing" was specified for cut_layers, but group
    virtuosoDefaultExtractorSetup (pref) has no existing standard vias.
    \o Running extraction as extract_net_connectivity -start_level 1 -
    stop_level 32 -flatten_to_depth 2 -apply_pin_style_to_top_cell -
    flatten_all_lpps -extract_poly
    \o Flattening cell example/cell_1/layout to 2 level(s)...
    \o Finished flattening (0.1s)
    \o Total extraction time is 0.3 seconds.
    \o Begin adding guides to complete connectivity...
    \o Connectivity updated on 23 net(s), 254 guide(s) created
    \o End adding guides to complete connectivity 0.0s (kernel), ...
    \o Running Step detail_route.
    \o Running detail route as detail_route -check_level 3 -maximize_cuts
    \w *WARNING* Insufficient information in the required constraint group
    (s), detail_route run stopped
    Erick, Dec 24, 2009
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