sp2 has been released

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by kenneth b, Jan 7, 2004.

  1. I hear ya, that's understandable and rational.
    What's interesting is evaluating the situation or thinking about this
    so called relationship, between user and software company.

    Basically, let's face it, the user is a user being used or exploited in
    the beta or bug reporting process.

    When any of you read marketing statements like, "Performance increases",
    "User requested", "We listened to our users", "Enhancements", "Easy to
    use",.. how much of that turns into a benefit or return for the end
    user?? Any user who has used the software long enough and knows
    software, knows generally that most of the performance and productivity
    enhancements come indirectly from simple raw hardware upgrades.
    And, yes from users helping them with reporting or suggesting ideas.

    SW needs us more than we need SW but... then we need more software
    design tool (competition) to get more of of the tools we need.

    Most of the changes we have been seeing over the years are interface
    changes to help the new users learn the software faster or too attract
    new buyers. And, most of these enhancements are market driven or
    direct competition related, which is both good/bad, with less focus.
    Otherwise, yea, there are new features but many of those new features
    are old ideas being repackaged.

    SW Corp is making plenty of money... and as time passes, the software
    world will have less myth to it and most users will get wise to being

    My problem is with the advertising and repeated inconsistencies with the
    Also, SW is engineering software,... where consistent, accurate and
    reliable features are a core foundation to the software and why users
    buy and use the software.
    I think most engineering users can understand these are major issues.
    With marketing making claims about performance or migrating data
    reliably, this is not actually true.
    All of this of course is sold to the user as being cost
    effective or more productive so if the users are being sold on these
    foundations, and there is proof that data is not reliable and figures
    are being misleading, SW Corp could and should be liable.

    Paul Salvador, Jan 10, 2004
  2. kenneth b

    Navy Diver Guest

    mine hung at the same time too. seems OK now though.

    I fixed the PDF problem on the work PC doing a 'repair install' on
    sp2. works fine now
    Navy Diver, Jan 10, 2004
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