SP2 Drawing bugs?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by McBurger, Apr 1, 2005.

  1. McBurger

    McBurger Guest

    Sense installing SP2, I'm having lot of trouble with drawing views
    disappearing in drawings. The only way I can get them to come back is to
    turn the view into a shaded view and then turn it back to wireframe.

    Also, section views are partially disappearing and only appear when you make
    them shaded. I have all approved cards and drivers.

    Anyone else seeing this?
    McBurger, Apr 1, 2005
  2. McBurger

    cadman800 Guest

    Same thing here just reported it to our VAR a total PIA

    cadman800, Apr 1, 2005
  3. McBurger

    WT Guest

    Same here. SP2.0

    WT, Apr 1, 2005
  4. McBurger

    WT Guest

    I have seen it also.

    WT, Apr 1, 2005
  5. McBurger

    tjones2 Guest

    I have seen this since SW2000 and always thought it was some
    intermentent video card problem. Never knew the real reason views did
    tjones2, Apr 2, 2005
  6. McBurger

    Brian Guest

    I beta tested 2005 and found LOTS of bugs. To be honest, most of them
    did get fixed prior to release. But, on more than one occasion, I sent in a
    bug report and received the response " That particular issue is indeed not
    working as intended. However, the same issue exists in SW2004. You will
    need to submit an enhancement request through our website to have this issue
    looked at."

    A *(#@)&%0 enhancement request??!! It made it sound as if one of their
    strategies is to ignore the problem for long enough that it survives
    multiple releases at which time it can be considered a "product feature".
    This time around I am not testing 2006 as I don't like the feeling that I've
    wasted time.
    Brian, Apr 2, 2005
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