sp2.1 CTRL copy components in assembly

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Pete J. Kavelish, Feb 11, 2004.

  1. Is there some new trick to make copies of components in an assembley?
    What I did before was select a component (screw) and hold down the
    CTRL key then drag and drop. Now it seems if I do the same thing I
    have to wait for an extended amount of time till it shows a preview.
    Is there a faster way? This is a joke.
    Pete J. Kavelish, Feb 11, 2004
  2. Pete J. Kavelish

    kenneth b Guest

    i have no problems using sp0

    then again, there's always the old way, ctrl+drag from fm
    kenneth b, Feb 11, 2004
  3. Pete J. Kavelish

    Jim Sculley Guest

    I don't think the preview is the problem. The problem is that SW has
    once agin changed UI behavior (for some unknown reason) and the result
    is user frustration.

    Previously, when you CTRL-dragged a component in an assembly, the part
    was dropped in place regardless of what order you released the mouse
    button and the CTRL key. The new, *stupid* behavior is that you *must*
    release the mouse button before releasing the CTRL key. If you do not,
    the component is not copied.

    It is ingrained in my muscle memory (and probably yours) to simply let
    go of the button and key simultaneously. I still get it wrong on
    occasion, even after using the 2004 Beta since last summer.

    Another place where the same stupidity has been applied is centermarks
    in drawings. Place 20 center marks and then hit ESC. They *all*
    disappear. Completely different behavior from previous versions. Earth
    to SW corporate:

    "ESC does *NOT* mean undo."

    Jim S.
    Jim Sculley, Feb 11, 2004
  4. I wonder if the wait time is dependent on the size of the assy and/or part.
    I just tried it with a small assy and it was as fast as I could move the
    mouse. Yes, you have to hold CTRL until after releasing the mouse, but it

    Centermarks now disappear, but at least blocks don't any more.

    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 11, 2004
  5. Nope, sorry - we're on 2.1 and it's still there.

    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 12, 2004
  6. Pete J. Kavelish

    Jacob Filek Guest

    In 2004 SP2.1
    If you put in "Center Lines" and hit ESC they DON'T disappear!
    If you put in "Dowel Pin Symbols" and hit ESC they DON'T disappear!
    If you put in "Dimensions" and hit ESC they DON'T disappear!
    It seems only the "Center Marks" follow this behavior!
    I took a screen shot of a SW drawing.
    The Center Marks don't even follow the size listed in the FM!
    take a look: http://www.jacobsdesigns.com/sw2004_center-marks.htm

    What gives?
    Jacob Filek, Feb 12, 2004
  7. Pete J. Kavelish

    tbryant Guest

    I un into this bug with almost every drawing I create, but it is a
    know bug and listed to be fixed in SP3.

    SPR# 197904: Hitting the escape key after inserting a centermark
    should not delete the centermark. Should just end the command.

    tbryant, Feb 12, 2004
  8. IT is not only 2.1 it is the same in 2.0

    You have to release the mouse button before the control button.

    a complete pain in the @$$.

    Todd Anderson
    Todd Anderson, Feb 12, 2004
  9. Pete J. Kavelish

    matt Guest

    And then there are some commands that tell you "The current operation
    cannot be interrupted..." if you try to end them with ESC.

    matt, Feb 13, 2004
  10. Am-I the only one here that sometimes ctrl-select different components to
    add a mate, and end up with a copy of a component because I moved the mouse
    while its button is pressed?

    I think that must be the reason for this change. Even if it's not that much
    of a problem.
    Jean Marc BRUN, Feb 13, 2004
  11. Pete J. Kavelish

    Steve Tietz Guest

    Not sure where people are getting this CTRL + drag & release UI change
    behavior -it has not changed from what I can tell - the fact that you
    release the mouse button first has been true for as long as I can remember.
    I just tested it in 2003 & it is the same way - you always let go of the
    mouse first. This only makes sense as the ctrl key is the copy command so
    if you let go of the "copy command" (ctrl key) it is going to stop the copy.
    even in windows, to copy a file, you must let go of the mouse button first
    in order to copy the file when Ctrl+dragging it.

    Are we talking about a specific area of the software where it is possible to
    have released the ctrl key first?

    let me know.
    Steve Tietz
    Steve Tietz, Feb 13, 2004
  12. I just played a bit and it's interesting that if you select one thing, as in
    a face to mate, and then <CTRL>select another, they both, of course are
    highlighted. But if you drag the mouse a bit while still <CTRL>selecting
    the second one, it goes into copy mode for the second one. And at that
    point, you can smartmate it to something as normal. However, if you just
    drop it, and then let go of the mouse & keys, both of the original part
    selected faces are still there and ready for the original mate that started
    the whole process. Not sure if you would ever remember that trick in the
    heat of the battle, but interesting nonetheless.

    Of course this all fits with the question of when do you release the <CTRL>
    key vs. dragging & clicking. If you <CTRL>select drag the face, you are in
    copy mode and then if you release the mouse button first, you get the copy.
    However if you release the <CTRL> key first it drops you back to multiple
    select mode.

    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 14, 2004
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