SP2.0 is out for 2006 you can't upgrade from 2.0EV

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John Layne, Nov 18, 2005.

  1. John Layne

    John Layne Guest

    Not being able to upgrade from 2.0EV is bit of problem, makes you think
    twice about installing EV's in the future.

    Not that I did this time, as I'm only running 2006 for testing until
    it's up till SP4.0

    John Layne
    John Layne, Nov 18, 2005
  2. John Layne

    lmar Guest

    Hi John,

    Is SP4.0 some magic number or do you know something we don't about


    lmar, Nov 18, 2005
  3. John Layne

    POH Guest


    Yes - one would expect to be able to upgrade from an Evaluation Service
    Pack; however, if the Windows Installer (when activated through the
    Control Panel's Add / Remove Programs applet) doesn't allow you to
    revert to the previous service pack so that SP2.0 can be installed, you

    1. Reinstall SolidWorks 2006 (on top of itself) and then,
    2. Apply one or more service packs to get to the current formal release
    of SP2.0

    The performance of the Windows Installer based installation of
    SolidWorks has definitely improved (since the initial switch from
    InstallShield), so it's not as slow and painful as it used to be.

    It should be easier, but...

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, Nov 18, 2005
  4. John Layne

    John Layne Guest

    It's just my magic number, I had a guaranteed CTD with SP0.0 to SP3.0 on
    SolidWorks 2005 in conjunction with PDMWorks. So now I advise all
    clients to wait for SP4 before install.

    I still have around 10 SPRs outstanding with 2005 that SolidWorks
    haven't fixed. Or if they have fixed them they haven't notified me. I
    cringe now when my VAR responds with "SolidWorks have confirmed the
    problem and have assigned SPR ####### to the issue. You will be advised
    when the issues is resolved". I have received one SPR ##### resolved
    email which is fixed in SWX2006 SP2.0, I submitted the problem around
    SWX2005 SP1.

    I have become a little cynical and don't want to spend my days making
    SolidWorks RX files to no avail, hence SP4 is the magic number.

    John Layne
    John Layne, Nov 18, 2005
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