SP1 to SP0 issue?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Edward T Eaton, Nov 20, 2003.

  1. Anyone else seen this?

    Part modeled in SWx2004, SP1, and opens fine on systems with SP1.

    Try to open it on a system with SWx2004, SP0 and I get an 'unable to obtian
    the required memory' error. Same error on two different computers, both
    with way more horsepower than the system with SP1 on it. Upgrade one of
    those systems to SP1 and the problems go away

    Just curious if its unique to this file, or if there is a potential backward
    compatibility problem between service packs (which I don't think I've ever
    seen before. A feature or three may error out, but never this...)


    Edward T Eaton, Nov 20, 2003
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