SP1.1 is out - anyone try it?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Double Ace, Feb 14, 2005.

  1. Double Ace

    Double Ace Guest

    Solidworks tells me that a new service exists and ask me if I want to
    download it.

    Should I?
    Double Ace, Feb 14, 2005
  2. Double Ace

    kb Guest

    Solidworks tells me that a new service exists and ask me if I want to

    are they the same ones who told you to install sp0.0?
    kb, Feb 14, 2005
  3. Double Ace

    daniel Guest

    I have donwloaded it, and would love to try it... BUT of course if one
    has this installer problem, one MUST call M$ to get the hotfix!!! HOW
    stupid is that???

    Do any of you use apple products? do you know how unbeilivably
    aggravating M$ is regarding support? Why oh why must I run the
    installer only to have the dreaded installer problem (I had ev1.0
    installed) to find a link to their website, visit the site to read a
    page-and-a-half that says absolutely nothing useful about the problem,
    or how to solve it!

    But at least SW provides telephone numbers to call in several countries
    to get the fix direct from friendly M$ employees. How nice, telephone
    support is closed for the day here... so now I have to wait 'til
    morning and probably longer on hold! What are they going to do? tell me
    the magic incantation or dance to do, or will the tell me the weblink
    to download the patch... which they could have done in the FIRST place
    saving me time and them time.... grrrrrr.

    take pill... breath deep... use a mac. Ahhh. :))

    I'm telling you, SW on OSX would be killer.


    PS- as I understand it, this M$ bug affects only people who have
    installed 2 SW SPs already - if you have installed only one, then you
    probably are good to go.
    daniel, Feb 14, 2005
  4. Double Ace

    jjs Guest

    On 14 Feb 2005 08:36:30 -0800, "Double Ace" <>

    Yes - I've just installed it without a hitch - however using win 2000
    not XP

    Seems to be no major hitch yet except the upgrade did not bring back
    my Task Panel and Design Library. !!! that went walk about today.

    Should you down load it ? - Well we each have to walk our own path
    on this world !! Do you feel lucky ;-)


    jonathan Stedman

    jjs, Feb 14, 2005
  5. Double Ace

    Martin Guest

    I took a quick loook around the SW site and couldn't find a page describing
    what's contained in SP1.1. What did they fix/add/remove/change, etc.?

    Martin, Feb 14, 2005
  6. I'm up & running on XP SP2 with SW2005 SP1.1. I am pleased that one
    particular issue was fixed - that of the user defined part number containing
    a leading space in conjunction with an Excel based BOM. I tried it before
    and after updating - fixed!

    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 14, 2005
  7. I read it - it's on the download page under Fixed SPR's.

    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 14, 2005

  8. .....but don't try the SP1.1 Help file until you brush up on some of your
    language skills!
    Steve Rauenbuehler, Feb 14, 2005
  9. Double Ace

    Muggs Guest

    LOL, I just checked it and your right - Not English!

    Muggs, Feb 14, 2005
  10. Double Ace

    Double Ace Guest

    Well, I did. XP sp2. D/L'd and installed OK. Seems to run faster,
    hasn't crash yet, knock on wood.

    Interesting new feature in 'Help.' I should have taken more spanish in
    high school.
    Double Ace, Feb 14, 2005
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