Sp 4.1 drawings with excel bom

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by drt, May 12, 2006.

  1. drt

    drt Guest

    Since early april when Sp 4.0 came out we've been having troubles
    opening large assembly drawing. A 10 meg 5 page drawing that took 20
    sec to open with sp 3.4 now takes about 10 mins in sp 4.0 and sp 4.1.
    Since I had to stay with at least Sp4.0 to be able to upgrade my Cosmos
    to sp 4.0. I had to open the assembly model first fully resolve than
    open the drawing. 99% of our assembly drawings have an excel based BOM.
    Yesterday I deleted the excel BOM in a large assembly drawing, and
    inserted a BOM table. The drawing opens fine now. There seems to be
    some conflict going on in the back ground with sw and excel since sp
    drt, May 12, 2006
  2. That's quite an important observation - have you turned it in to your VAR?

    Wayne Tiffany, May 12, 2006
  3. drt

    drt Guest

    drt, May 12, 2006
  4. drt

    dlevy Guest

    I have the same problem with excel based BOM. I've stopped using excel
    based BOM.

    I don't have the problem using the regular BOM.
    dlevy, May 12, 2006
  5. drt

    John Layne Guest

    John Layne, May 12, 2006
  6. drt

    dlevy Guest

    I agree.
    dlevy, May 13, 2006
  7. drt

    Brad Guest

    Are you using PDM Works on Windows Server 2003. We found that SP 4.0 of
    PDMW is much more sensitive to the Microsoft Hotfix patch being applied
    to the server. We saw similar time to open until the patch was applied.
    Brad, May 23, 2006
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