Why has sp2 been taken down from the download site
It was so good it was scary. SP2 fixed everything and made the sofware 100% perfect and then they realized no one would need maintenance. So now they have to throw some bugs back in. ;p
Jeff, this was my experience also. everything I tried was FIXED!!! I fixed the save-as pdf myself LUCKILY I captured the download before they pulled it and have it on both machines here (I won't give it back either)
If anyone out there is still using SP2, keep an eye on x-ref surface registration. One of my assemblies was hosed by this this morning (completely). Then I couldn't roll back to SP0. Time to de and re-install. What a cock-up. Chris XPPro Sp1 (eeuurgh) Sw2004 SP0 under test still, 2003SP5.1 for deliverables (we're not that stupid) Athlon 2600+ 1024MB VP560