I have the use of working copy of Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2005, which now normally costs US,695 [URL]http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=123112&id=2948818[/URL] . This is a lot, so don't tell me to go buy an English copy. The only problem with my copy is that it's in Polish. The tool palette is in English and it also come with an English Help file, but the command line area, menus, and pretty much everything else is in Polish. But I figure I can learn the necessary words to function, and I'm doing okay so far. I've found a few translation sites: Translator [URL]http://www.poltran.com/pl.php4[/URL] A bit on pronunciation: [URL]http://home.tiscali.be/brian.huebner/Pronunciation.htm[/URL] Some Polish language sites [URL]http://polish.dictionary.kamous.com/translator/reference.asp[/URL] But I, when I lean a foreign language, I like to actually hear the words spoken. Does anybody know of any web-based Polish computer-term dictionary that has sound files?