SOS!what can I do if Silicon Ensemble keep giving "violation" message?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by walala, Oct 3, 2003.

  1. walala

    walala Guest

    Dear all,

    I am now doing some bigger design with 28000 cells and 30000 nets... I am
    using LEDA cells... I set my utility ratio at 50%,... 40um IO-TO-CORE
    distance, FLIP every row. And then I do:

    Place IO(Random)
    Place Cells(all default settings)
    Place FillerCells
    Place IO(Refine PINS)
    Plan Power(metal 4 and 5, 5um and 5um for block width)
    Connect Rings(all default settings)
    Wroute(all default settings, but set maximum routing time to 99999)

    Previously it all went ok until the last step: Wroute, after about 1.5 days
    or so, it gives out a lot of "geometry violation" information. The "Wroute"
    finished with huge number of WHITE CROSSES on my floorplan...
    (basically, all my floorplan was covered by WHITE CROSSES now)...

    So the Wroute failed... I tried many times and still cannot get through...
    can anybody give me some suggestions on what has been wrong and what can I
    do now?

    Thanks a lot,

    walala, Oct 3, 2003
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