If i have a somewhat list like this; ( ("" "" "") ("DT" "DETAIL TEKENING" "DETAIL DRAWING") ("BT" "BESTEKTEKENING" "TENDER DRAWING") ("MA" "MILIEU AANVRAAG" "ENVIRONMENTAL APPROVAL") ("MT" "MILIEU TEKENING" "ENVIRONMENTAL DRAWING") ("GV" "GEBRUIKERSVERGUNNING" "USERS APPROVAL") ("BT" "CONTRACTSTUK" "CONTRACT DRAWING") ) How can i sort this correctly! It is posible that the first item in each sublist could apear several times in this list. At first I used this, (defun h_sortlist (lst / itm srt new) (setq srt '()) (foreach itm lst (if (car itm) (setq srt (append srt (list (car itm)))))) (setq srt (acad_strlsort srt) new '()) (foreach itm srt (setq new (append new (list (assoc itm lst))))) ) But it fails with the assoc beceause "BT" apears twice. M