Sorting Rectangle Vector List

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by David Bethel, Jul 27, 2003.

  1. David Bethel

    David Bethel Guest


    In plain AutoLISP

    ;;;Here are the point lists of (4) coplaner lines that form a 4 sided
    polygon ( never a bowtie - always an open face ).

    (setq iv '(((1 1 0) (1 2 0))
    ((2 1 0) (2 2 0))
    ((1 2 0) (2 2 0))
    ((1 1 0) (2 1 0))))

    ;;;I'm looking to sort the list so that the common points are in order

    ;;;The resulting list would be consist of vectors like this:

    (setq fl (list (nth 0 iv)
    (nth 2 iv)
    (reverse (nth 1 iv))
    (reverse (nth 3 iv))))

    '(((1 1 0) (1 2 0))
    ((1 2 0) (2 2 0))
    ((2 2 0) (2 1 0))
    ((2 1 0) (1 1 0))))

    ;;;This would extract the output points - CCW /CW direction is irelevant
    (foreach v fl
    (setq output (cons (car v) output)))

    '((1 1 0) (1 2 0) (2 2 0) (2 1 0))

    Any thoughts???? -David
    David Bethel, Jul 27, 2003
  2. David Bethel

    David Bethel Guest

    I'll take a look see.

    So far I've came up with

    (setq iv '(((1 1 0) (1 2 0))
    ((2 1 0) (2 2 0))
    ((1 2 0) (2 2 0))
    ((1 1 0) (2 1 0))))

    (setq output (list (car (car iv))
    (cadr (car iv)))
    iv (cdr iv))

    (repeat (1- (length iv))
    (foreach v iv
    (cond ((and (equal (car v) (last output) 1e-14)
    (not (member (cadr v) output)))
    (setq output (append output (list (cadr v)))))
    ((and (equal (cadr v) (last output) 1e-14)
    (not (member (car v) output)))
    (setq output (append output (list (car v))))))))

    (prin1 output)

    David Bethel, Jul 27, 2003
  3. David Bethel

    Joe Burke Guest

    I think that RectPts function is broken.

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Jul 28, 2003
  4. David Bethel

    Joe Burke Guest

    This seems to work right, but still feels like overkill.


    (defun RectPts (l / lst nlst llur ullr)
    (setq lst
    (mapcar 'car l)
    (mapcar 'cadr l)
    (foreach x lst
    (if (not (member x nlst))
    (setq nlst (cons x nlst))
    (setq llur (extents nlst))
    (foreach x nlst
    (if (not (member x llur))
    (setq ullr (cons x ullr))
    (list (car llur) (car ullr) (cadr llur) (cadr ullr))

    ;by Tony Tanzillo - returns LL and UR corners of point list
    (defun extents (plist)
    (apply 'mapcar (cons 'min plist))
    (apply 'mapcar (cons 'max plist))
    Joe Burke, Jul 28, 2003
  5. David Bethel

    David Bethel Guest

    Thanks Joe,

    I'll look into all of 'em. I don't know if the /= will work, but
    (not (equal with fuzz cetainly will. -David
    David Bethel, Jul 28, 2003
  6. David Bethel

    Joe Burke Guest


    Don't bother with the first two.

    I considered this > (not (equal with fuzz certainly will. What I'd usually
    do. But thought I might be able to get away without it in this case. Anyway
    agreed, that's the safe method.

    Joe Burke, Jul 28, 2003
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