I posted a few months ago regarding this problem, and was provided with a few ideas.. unfortunatly they don't seem to be doing what i need.. a quick history: I am gathering text into a selection set, then extracting insertion points into a list (see figure "a") I need the lists sorted in such a way that it would always return a result like figure "b" (it may help you to understand if you take the points and plot them like a graph). Figure "a" (starting list): ((1,4)(1,3)(1,0)(2,2)(3,3)(3,1)) Figure "b" (target list): ((1,4)(1,3)(3,3)(2,2)(3,1)(1,0)) if the graph idea doesn't do it for you then try this: assign each point a word.. 1,4 this 1,3 is 1,0 want 2,2 result 3,3 the 3,1 I once the points are sorted to match figure "b" it would read "This is the result I want". I hope someone can help me with this.. Thanks.