sort a numeric list

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by liftedaxis, Feb 20, 2004.

  1. liftedaxis

    liftedaxis Guest

    it must be late in the day, but then again, i don't remember a quick way to do this. there's acad_strlsort on the string side, but what if i want to sort a numeric list?
    liftedaxis, Feb 20, 2004
  2. liftedaxis

    liftedaxis Guest

    okay, yes, that was a brain fade.
    i'm sorry, the example for vl-sort is perfect.
    sorry for wasting your time in reading this. :)

    liftedaxis, Feb 20, 2004
  3. Becareful with vl-sort. There have been many
    discussions here in this group on how dangerous
    this function can be.

    Quick example:

    (vl-sort '(1 3 2 1) '<)

    (1 2 3)

    Notice on the removal of duplicates.
    Jason Piercey, Feb 20, 2004
  4. Here is a replacement that doesn't have that problem:

    Alternative to a plain (vl-sort)
    This function does _not_ remove duplicates
    Written by R. Robert Bell
    (defun rrbI:Sort (lst func)
    (mapcar '(lambda (ndx) (nth ndx lst)) (vl-Sort-I lst func)))

    R. Robert Bell, MCSE

    Becareful with vl-sort. There have been many
    discussions here in this group on how dangerous
    this function can be.

    Quick example:

    (vl-sort '(1 3 2 1) '<)

    (1 2 3)

    Notice on the removal of duplicates.
    R. Robert Bell, Feb 20, 2004
  5. Here's one:

    From: "Tony Tanzillo" <tony.tanzillo at caddzone dot com>
    Newsgroups: autodesk.autocad.customization
    References: <>
    Subject: Re: How can I sort a list of 3d points?
    Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 10:37:20 -0500
    Lines: 48
    X-Priority: 3
    X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
    X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106
    X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1106

    You can use vl-sort, with a comparison function that
    weights the ordinates in whatever way you want.

    Here's an example that gives the greatest weight
    to the X ordinate, and the least weight to the Z

    (setq fuzz 1.0e-6) ;; comparison precision

    ;; sort on three keys (x, y, and z)

    (defun compare-points (a b)
    (if (equal (car a) (car b) fuzz)
    (if (equal (cadr a) (cadr b) fuzz)
    (> (caddr a) (caddr b))
    (> (cadr a) (cadr b))
    (> (car a) (car b))

    (vl-sort <list-of-points> 'compare-points)

    If you search this newsgroup, you'll find a much
    more powerful sorting function along with a good
    discussion on why (vl-sort) can be very dangerous.
    For that reason, I suggest you replace the built-in
    vl-sort with this:

    (defun vl-sort (lst func)
    '(lambda (x) (nth x lst))
    (vl-sort-i lst func)

    This will ensure that (vl-sort) does not remove
    elements that it sees as equal.
    Tony Tanzillo, Feb 20, 2004
  6. liftedaxis

    Jan C Guest

    Use vl-sort
    More info in the Autolisp reference.


    to do this. there's acad_strlsort on the string side, but what if i want to
    sort a numeric list?
    Jan C, Feb 21, 2004
  7. Sometimes it helps to review the responses to questions
    before responding.

    For sorting integers, the VL-SORT function should *never*
    be used. See the other posts in this thread for more info.

    AcadX for AutoCAD 2004 Beta 1
    Tony Tanzillo, Feb 22, 2004
  8. liftedaxis

    liftedaxis Guest

    now i'm confused. "never" is a pretty brash statement.
    i'm sorting unique integers, and as such, vl-sort works fine. so rather than "never", how about, "only if removing duplicates is not an issue."
    or is there some other reason regarding integer sorting that is critically important?

    liftedaxis, Feb 23, 2004
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