All, I have a Skill program that produces a list and wish to sort the list by Instance, Cellname, pin or net as user prompts thru a form. The format of the string is: "|I11.buff_01.out - net16" Where |I11 is the instance, buff_01.out the cellname, out is the pin of the instance and net16 connects to out. The list looks like EFNet_list ("| - ckin" "|I10.buff_01.out - net032" "| I10.buff_01.sub - vss" "|I10.buff_01.vdd - vbat" "| - ckin_b" "|I11.buff_01.out - net16" "|I11.buff_01.sub - vss" "| I11.buff_01.vdd - vbat" "| - p2" "|I14.RC_delay.out - net021" ) Upon user input I want to sort by instance or cellname or pin or net. So if user selects sort by instance |I10, then I need to produce a list from the above with only the instance chosen and refresh the form. In unix I could grep by the instance and pipe the same string into a file. To be clear, from above the new list needs to have only the instance chosen but the string is left intact such as: EFNet_list_sorted ("| - ckin" "|I10.buff_01.out - net032" "| I10.buff_01.sub - vss" "|I10.buff_01.vdd - vbat" ) How do I do this in Skill? Unfinished program is below, but if you bring up a schematic and load the skill a form should come up with the list. Thank you in advance for any help, Eric procedure(EFCreateNetForm() let((EFNetsBox EFTermsOrNet ) cv=geGetEditCellView() EFNet_list=nil when(cv foreach( inst cv~>instances EFInstance=inst~>name EFCellname=inst~>master~>cellName foreach( instTerm inst~>instTerms Term=instTerm~>name Net=instTerm~>net~>name printf(EFInstance) printf(".") printf(EFCellname) printf(".") printf(Term) printf(" - ") printf(Net) printf("\n") ; EFNet_list='("|") ; EFNet_list=append(EFNet_list list(strcat(EFInstance "." EFCellname "." Term " - " Net ))) EFNet_list=append(EFNet_list list(strcat( "|" EFInstance "." EFCellname "." Term " - " Net ))) );foreach );foreach );when t );let ;sort the output EFNet_list=sort(EFNet_list nil) ;============================================= ;section below defines form ;============================================= EFDualMode = hiCreateRadioField( ?name 'EFDualMode ?prompt "All Data or Sort?" ?value "All Data" ?defValue "All Data" ?choices list("All Data" "Sort by" ) ?callback list("case(EFInstanceNetsForm->EFDualMode->value (\"All Data\" EFInstanceNetsForm->EFSortBy->editable = nil ) (\"Sort by\" EFInstanceNetsForm->EFSortBy->editable = t ) )");end case ) EFSortBy = hiCreateStringField( ?name 'EFSortBy ?prompt "Instance, Net, Cellname or Pin" ?editable nil ?value "" ) EFNetsBox = hiCreateListBoxField( ?name 'EFListBoxField ?prompt " " ?choices EFNet_list ?value nil ?multipleSelect nil ?changeCB "EFprobe()" ?doubleClickCB "EFprobeinst()" ?numRows length(EFNet_list) ) ;;; defines the form hiCreateAppForm( ?name 'EFInstanceNetsForm ?formTitle "Instance Nets" ?callback "EFSortExecution()" ?fields list( EFDualMode EFSortBy EFNetsBox ) ?help "" ) ; hiCreateAppForm hiDisplayForm(EFInstanceNetsForm) );procedure EFCreateNetForm()
Hi Eric, This is a quick attempt you might need to tweak a bit. In summary, I have split up the strings into lists using a regular expression and then sorted the result as you described. Sorry for the lack of comments in my script, I'm running out of time I'm afraid :-( ; procedure( RKsortList(listToSort sortCriteria) let(((newList nil) returnList) rexCompile("^\\(.+\\)\\.\\(.+\\)\\.\\(.+\\) - \\(.+\\)") foreach(x listToSort rexExecute(x) newList=cons(list(rexSubstitute("\\1") rexSubstitute("\\2") rexSubstitute("\\3") rexSubstitute("\\4")) newList) ) case(sortCriteria ("instance" returnList=sort(newList lambda( (a b) alphalessp((car a) (car b)))) ) ("cellname" returnList=sort(newList lambda( (a b) alphalessp((cadr a) (cadr b)))) ) ("pin" returnList=sort(newList lambda( (a b) alphalessp((caddr a) (caddr b)))) ) ("net" returnList=sort(newList lambda( (a b) alphalessp((cadddr a) (cadddr b)))) ) (t returnList=listToSort ) ) returnList ) ) ; Example of execution : myList= list("| - ckin" "|I10.buff_01.out - net032" "|I10.buff_01.sub - vss" "|I10.buff_01.vdd - vbat" "| - ckin_b" "|I11.buff_01.out - net16" "|I11.buff_01.sub - vss" "|I11.buff_01.vdd - vbat" "| - p2" "|I14.RC_delay.out - net021" ) RKsortList(myList "pin") ==> (("|I10" "buff_01" "in" "ckin") ("|I11" "buff_01" "in" "ckin_b") ("|I14" "RC_delay" "in" "p2") ("|I10" "buff_01" "out" "net032") ("|I11" "buff_01" "out" "net16") ("|I14" "RC_delay" "out" "net021") ("|I10" "buff_01" "sub" "vss") ("|I11" "buff_01" "sub" "vss") ("|I10" "buff_01" "vdd" "vbat") ("|I11" "buff_01" "vdd" "vbat") ) RKsortList(myList "instance") ==> (("|I10" "buff_01" "in" "ckin") ("|I10" "buff_01" "out" "net032") ("|I10" "buff_01" "sub" "vss") ("|I10" "buff_01" "vdd" "vbat") ("|I11" "buff_01" "in" "ckin_b") ("|I11" "buff_01" "out" "net16") ("|I11" "buff_01" "sub" "vss") ("|I11" "buff_01" "vdd" "vbat") ("|I14" "RC_delay" "in" "p2") ("|I14" "RC_delay" "out" "net021") ) RKsortList(myList "cellname") ==> (("|I14" "RC_delay" "in" "p2") ("|I14" "RC_delay" "out" "net021") ("|I10" "buff_01" "in" "ckin") ("|I10" "buff_01" "out" "net032") ("|I10" "buff_01" "sub" "vss") ("|I10" "buff_01" "vdd" "vbat") ("|I11" "buff_01" "in" "ckin_b") ("|I11" "buff_01" "out" "net16") ("|I11" "buff_01" "sub" "vss") ("|I11" "buff_01" "vdd" "vbat") ) RKsortList(myList "net") ==> (("|I10" "buff_01" "in" "ckin") ("|I11" "buff_01" "in" "ckin_b") ("|I14" "RC_delay" "out" "net021") ("|I10" "buff_01" "out" "net032") ("|I11" "buff_01" "out" "net16") ("|I14" "RC_delay" "in" "p2") ("|I10" "buff_01" "vdd" "vbat") ("|I11" "buff_01" "vdd" "vbat") ("|I10" "buff_01" "sub" "vss") ("|I11" "buff_01" "sub" "vss") )