Sort a list of lists

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bruce Sheldon, Nov 6, 2004.

  1. I have a large list that is a list of lists. The format is as follows:

    (("C" "1" "xxx")("A" "1" "xxx")("B" "1" "xxx")...)

    This list contains over 12,000 lists (compiled from a large database).
    I wish to sort the lists without disturbing their contents, such as this:

    (("A" "1" "xxx")("B" "1" "xxx")("C" "1" "xxx")...)

    Sorting strings is a piece of cake, but I'm having trouble with sorting

    Bruce Sheldon, Nov 6, 2004
  2. Bruce Sheldon

    Alaspher Guest

    Try this code:

    (defun pl:sort (func lst)
    (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (nth x lst))) (vl-sort-i lst func))

    (pl:sort (function (lambda (a b) (< (car a) (car b))))
    '(("C" "1" "xxx") ("A" "1" "xxx") ("B" "1" "xxx"))

    Best regards!
    Alaspher, Nov 6, 2004
  3. Bruce Sheldon

    Rakesh Rao Guest

    Hi Bruce,

    Here is some excellent sorting routines I obtained on this forum from
    the Herman Golden Company.

    Once you load this LSP, you would call the function using the following

    (setq SortedLst (l_ssort UnSortedLst 0 '<))


    0 - indicates the list index to sort in a nested list
    < - indicates the sort function operator. This could be replaced by a
    quoted function as well.

    I hope this helps.


    - Rakesh Rao [ rakesh.rao (at) ]
    - Four Dimension Technologies
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    ;;; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    ;;; * *
    ;;; * H E R M A N G O L D N E R C O M P A N Y *
    ;;; * *
    ;;; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    ;;; File : hgsort.lsp
    ;;; Date : 8-6-96
    ;;; Purpose : Samples of power sorting in AutoLisp
    ;;; Author : T.J. DiTullio Herman Goldner Co. Inc.
    ;;; (70214,3131) E-Mail -
    ;;; Date : 3-23-95 (complied from earlier files 1992)
    ;;; : Revised 8-6-96 to add sorting "Method" and
    ;;; : and added (xysort) from seperate file
    ;;; Desciption : Here are five sorting functions that implement
    ;;; sorting with pointers (Yes in AutoLisp).
    ;;; There are two shell sorts and two bubble sorts.
    ;;; One of each for lists and one for list of lists
    ;;; and one two dimensional sort.
    ;;; After I developed these functions, I speed tested
    ;;; the shells against the bubbles. Since then I have not
    ;;; used the bubble sorts.
    ;;; All four functions use an integer list (ptr_lst) as
    ;;; pointers to the list to be sorted. One problem with
    ;;; sorting in AutoLisp is that the list to be sorted must
    ;;; be reconstructed each time a pair of items are swapped
    ;;; If the list (or list of lists) is very large, it can
    ;;; slow down the sort. By using a pointer list of type
    ;;; integer, this reconstruction will be much faster.
    ;;; At the start of each sort function, an integer list
    ;;; (ptr_lst) is constructed starting at 0 and ending at
    ;;; the number of items in list to be sorted (length lst).
    ;;; As items in the list to be sorted are compared, the
    ;;; pointer list is used to reference the list to be sorted.
    ;;; [ something like (nth (nth index ptr_lst) lst) ]
    ;;; [ meaning - The value of the list to be sorted is still
    ;;; in its original location. Used the integer
    ;;; (ptr_lst) value to determine where it is.
    ;;; ]
    ;;; Since the pointer list starts at 0, I used value of -1
    ;;; for the 1st (subst) call to avoid have duplicate values in
    ;;; the pointer list that would both be updated on the 2nd
    ;;; (subst) call. Then after the 2nd (subst) call, a 3rd call
    ;;; is made to replace the -1 value with the correct value.
    ;;; (setq t1 1st_item) - save 1st
    ;;; (setq t2 2nd_item) - save 2nd
    ;;; (subst -1 t1) - change t1 to -1
    ;;; (subst t1 t2) - change t2 to t1
    ;;; (subst t2 -1) - change -1 to t2
    ;;; - t1 and t2 are >= 0 always
    ;;; As items are swapped around, only the pointer list is
    ;;; modified. After the sorting is completed, the list to
    ;;; be sorted to rebuilt using the pointer list for the
    ;;; sorted location.
    ;;; This may seem like a lot of work to do some sorting. But
    ;;; the list of list that I sort get very large. (I use list
    ;;; of lists like an array of structures for anyone who knows
    ;;; the C language)
    ;;; Here is an example for a list of lists I might sort:
    ;;; ( ( "string" integer real integer real real "string"
    ;;; "string" real integer "string" real
    ;;; )
    ;;; ( "string" integer real integer real real "string"
    ;;; "string" real integer "string" real
    ;;; )
    ;;; etc ...
    ;;; )
    ;;; lisp call -> (setq mylist (l_ssort mylist 3 '>))
    ;;; lisp retn -> sorted list
    ;;; description -> sort mylist bases on the 4th item (an integer)
    ;;; in ascending order
    ;;; One thing I noticed when I wrote these sorts was that
    ;;; a shell sort is unable to sort completely if there are
    ;;; duplicate values. I could not find anything in writing
    ;;; to back this up. So I modified the algorithm to continue
    ;;; looping while the partition size is one until no swaps
    ;;; occurred.
    ;;; Sorry there are not a lot of comments!
    ;;; If you program in AutoLisp and are unfamiliar with these
    ;;; sorting methods, try looking at another language like
    ;;; Basic or C.
    ;;; Any comments or questions can be directed to me.
    ;;; *** Revision 8-6-96 ***
    ;;; All five sorting functions now except another parameter
    ;;; "method", a (quoted) function.
    ;;; Ex. (ssort some_list '>) - ascending order
    ;;; (ssort some_list '<) - descending order
    ;;; You can also use a function other than > or < for the
    ;;; sorting method. That function could expand the nested
    ;;; level even further the a list of lists.
    ;;; Ex. (defun sort_method (a b)
    ;;; (if (> (nth 0 a) (nth 0 b)
    ;;; T ;then return TRUE
    ;;; nil ;esle return FALSE
    ;;; )
    ;;; )
    ;;; (l_ssort list1 1 'sort_method)
    ;;; This SHOULD (I think, didn't test it) sort list1
    ;;; by the first element of the lists that are the second
    ;;; elements in the list of lists, OR SOMETHING, in
    ;;; ascending order.
    ;;; list1 = ( (1 (1 2 1) 1) (1 (2 1 1) 1) (2 (1 3 3) 3) )
    ;;; ^-- this is the "KEY" item
    ;;; first element of the list
    ;;; that is the second element of the bigger
    ;;; lists that make up "LIST1"
    ;;; "method" PARAMETER.
    ;;; Sample Usage
    ;;; Command: !lst
    ;;; ((1 1 1) (2 2 2) (1 1 1) (3 3 3) (3 1 1) (0 0 0)
    ;;; (1 1 1) (2 2 2) (1 1 1) (3 3 3) (3 1 1) (0 0 0))
    ;;; Command: (l_ssort lst 0 '>)
    ;;; ((0 0 0) (0 0 0) (1 1 1) (1 1 1) (1 1 1) (1 1 1)
    ;;; (2 2 2) (2 2 2) (3 1 1) (3 3 3) (3 1 1) (3 3 3))
    ;;; Command: (l_ssort lst 0 '<)
    ;;; ((3 3 3) (3 1 1) (3 3 3) (3 1 1) (2 2 2) (2 2 2)
    ;;; (1 1 1) (1 1 1) (1 1 1) (1 1 1) (0 0 0) (0 0 0))
    ;;; Command: (l_bsort lst 1 '<)
    ;;; ((3 3 3) (3 3 3) (2 2 2) (2 2 2) (1 1 1) (1 1 1)
    ;;; (3 1 1) (1 1 1) (1 1 1) (3 1 1) (0 0 0) (0 0 0))
    ;;; Command: (l_bsort lst 1 '>)
    ;;; ((0 0 0) (0 0 0) (1 1 1) (1 1 1) (3 1 1) (1 1 1)
    ;;; (1 1 1) (3 1 1) (2 2 2) (2 2 2) (3 3 3) (3 3 3))
    ;;; Command: (xysort lst 0 1 '>)
    ;;; ((0 0 0) (0 0 0) (1 1 1) (1 1 1) (1 1 1) (1 1 1)
    ;;; (2 2 2) (2 2 2) (3 1 1) (3 1 1) (3 3 3) (3 3 3))
    ;;; Command: (xysort lst 0 2 '<)
    ;;; ((3 3 3) (3 3 3) (3 1 1) (3 1 1) (2 2 2) (2 2 2)
    ;;; (1 1 1) (1 1 1) (1 1 1) (1 1 1) (0 0 0) (0 0 0))
    ;;;* * * * * * * * * * * * * SORT FUNCTIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    ;;; l_bsort
    ;;; Modified Bubble Sort of List of Lists
    ;;; Parameters llist -> list of lists
    ;;; key -> element in inner lists to sort by
    ;;; method -> '> for ascending or '< for descending
    ;;; Returns -> Sorted list of lists

    (if (= #ProductName "LispLib") (vl-doc-export 'l_bsort))
    (defun l_bsort ( llist key method / number_items count i
    unsorted ptr_lst j
    sorted_list t1 t2
    (if (and llist key)
    (setq i 1
    number_items (length llist)
    unsorted T
    ptr_lst nil ;pointer list
    count 0

    (while (< count number_items)
    (setq ptr_lst (append ptr_lst (list count)) ;built pointer list
    count (1+ count)
    ) ;while


    (while (or unsorted (< i number_items))
    (setq j 0
    unsorted nil ;assume list is sorted

    ;loop thru and test (j) to (J+1) in pointer list

    (while (< j (- number_items i))
    (if ((eval method) (nth key (nth (nth j ptr_lst) llist))
    (nth key (nth (nth (1+ j) ptr_lst) llist))

    ; swap items in pointer list
    (setq t1 (nth j ptr_lst)
    t2 (nth (1+ j) ptr_lst)
    ptr_lst (subst t2 -1
    (subst t1 t2
    (subst -1 t1 ptr_lst)
    unsorted T
    ) ;setq
    ) ;if

    (setq j (1+ j))
    ) ;while j

    (setq i (1+ i))
    ) ;while i

    ;Build new list using sorted pointers

    (setq count 0 sorted_list nil)
    (while (< count number_items)
    (setq sorted_list
    (append sorted_list ;build updated list
    (nth count ptr_lst) ;pointer
    count (1+ count)
    ) ;setq
    ) ;while

    sorted_list ;return sorted list
    ) ;progn

    ) ;if

    ) ;defun

    ;;; l_ssort
    ;;; Modified Shell Sort of List of Lists
    ;;; Parameters llist -> list of lists
    ;;; key -> element in inner lists to sort by
    ;;; method -> '> for ascending or '< for descending
    ;;; Returns -> Sorted list of lists
    ;;; Note: This custom shell sort algorithm will handle multiple
    ;;; occurrences of any items. The sort will continue looping
    ;;; when partition size is 1 until no swaps occur.

    (if (= #ProductName "LispLib") (vl-doc-export 'l_ssort))
    (defun l_ssort (llist key method /
    number_items partition_size
    number_partitions first_index
    last_index unsorted
    count ptr_lst
    sorted_list i j
    t1 t2

    (if (and llist key)
    (setq number_items (length llist)
    partition_size number_items
    ptr_lst nil ;pointer list
    count 0
    unsorted T ;assume list is not sorted

    (if #Verbose (princ "\nBuilding point list..."))
    (while (< count number_items)
    ptr_lst (append ptr_lst (list count)) ;built pointer list
    count (1+ count)
    (if #Verbose (princ "done."))


    (while unsorted

    (setq partition_size (fix (/ (1+ partition_size) 2))
    number_partitions (fix (/ number_items partition_size))

    (if #Verbose
    (princ (strcat "\nNumber of partitions = " (itoa number_partitions) " \n"))

    (if (= partition_size 1)
    (setq unsorted nil) ;assume list is sorted

    (if (/= (rem number_items partition_size) 0)
    (setq number_partitions (1+ number_partitions))
    (setq first_index 0
    i 1
    (while (< i number_partitions)
    (if #Verbose
    (princ (strcat "\r" (itoa i) " --> " (itoa number_partitions) " "))
    (setq last_index (+ first_index partition_size))

    (if (> last_index (- number_items partition_size))
    (setq last_index (- number_items partition_size))

    ; loop thru and test (j) to (j+offset) in pointer list

    (setq j first_index)
    (while (< j last_index)
    (if ((eval method) (nth key (nth (nth j ptr_lst) llist))
    (nth key (nth
    (nth (+ j partition_size) ptr_lst) llist)

    ; then swap items in pointer list
    (setq t1 (nth j ptr_lst)
    t2 (nth (+ j partition_size) ptr_lst)
    ptr_lst (subst t2 -1
    (subst t1 t2
    (subst -1 t1 ptr_lst)
    unsorted T
    ) ;setq
    ) ;if

    (setq j (1+ j))

    ) ;while j

    (setq first_index (+ first_index partition_size)
    i (1+ i)

    ) ;while i

    ) ;while unsorted

    ;Build new list using sorted pointers

    (setq count 0 sorted_list nil)
    (while (< count number_items)
    (setq sorted_list
    (append sorted_list ;build updated list
    (nth count ptr_lst) ;pointer
    count (1+ count)
    ) ;setq
    ) ;while

    sorted_list ;return sorted list
    ) ;progn

    ) ;if

    ) ;defun

    ;;; bsort
    ;;; Modified Bubble Sort of List of values
    ;;; Parameters lst -> list of values
    ;;; method -> '> for ascending or '< for descending
    ;;; Returns -> Sorted list of values

    (if (= #ProductName "LispLib") (vl-doc-export 'bsort))
    (defun bsort ( lst method / number_items count i
    unsorted ptr_lst j
    sorted_list t1 t2
    (if lst
    (setq i 1
    number_items (length lst)
    unsorted T
    ptr_lst nil ;pointer list
    count 0

    (while (< count number_items)
    (setq ptr_lst (append ptr_lst (list count)) ;built pointer list
    count (1+ count)
    ) ;while


    (while (or unsorted (< i number_items))
    (setq j 0
    unsorted nil ;assume list is sorted

    ;loop thru and test (j) to (J+1) in pointer list

    (while (< j (- number_items i))
    (if ((eval method) (nth (nth j ptr_lst) lst)
    (nth (nth (1+ j) ptr_lst) lst)

    ; swap items in pointer list
    (setq t1 (nth j ptr_lst)
    t2 (nth (1+ j) ptr_lst)
    ptr_lst (subst t2 -1
    (subst t1 t2
    (subst -1 t1 ptr_lst)
    unsorted T
    ) ;setq
    ) ;if

    (setq j (1+ j))
    ) ;while j

    (setq i (1+ i))
    ) ;while i

    ;Build new list using sorted pointers

    (setq count 0 sorted_list nil)
    (while (< count number_items)
    (setq sorted_list
    (append sorted_list ;build updated list
    (nth count ptr_lst) ;pointer
    count (1+ count)
    ) ;setq
    ) ;while

    sorted_list ;return sorted list
    ) ;progn

    ) ;if

    ) ;defun

    ;;; ssort
    ;;; Modified Shell Sort of List of Values
    ;;; Parameters lst -> list of values
    ;;; method -> '> for ascending or '< for descending
    ;;; Returns -> Sorted list of values
    ;;; Note: This custom shell sort algorithm will handle multiple
    ;;; occurrences of any items. The sort will continue looping
    ;;; when partition size is 1 until no swaps occur.

    (if (= #ProductName "LispLib") (vl-doc-export 'ssort))
    (defun ssort (lst method /
    number_items partition_size
    number_partitions first_index
    last_index unsorted
    count ptr_lst
    sorted_list i j
    t1 t2

    (if lst
    (setq number_items (length lst)
    partition_size number_items
    ptr_lst nil ;pointer list
    count 0
    unsorted T ;assume list is not sorted

    (while (< count number_items)
    (setq ptr_lst (append ptr_lst (list count)) ;built pointer list
    count (1+ count)
    ) ;while


    (while unsorted

    (setq partition_size (fix (/ (1+ partition_size) 2))
    number_partitions (fix (/ number_items partition_size))

    (if (= partition_size 1)
    (setq unsorted nil) ;assume list is sorted

    (if (/= (rem number_items partition_size) 0)
    (setq number_partitions (1+ number_partitions))
    (setq first_index 0
    i 1
    (while (< i number_partitions)
    (setq last_index (+ first_index partition_size))

    (if (> last_index (- number_items partition_size))
    (setq last_index (- number_items partition_size))

    ;loop thru and test (j) to (j+offset) in pointer list

    (setq j first_index)
    (while (< j last_index)
    (if ((eval method) (nth (nth j ptr_lst) lst)
    (nth (nth (+ j partition_size) ptr_lst) lst)

    ; then swap items in pointer list
    (setq t1 (nth j ptr_lst)
    t2 (nth (+ j partition_size) ptr_lst)
    ptr_lst (subst t2 -1
    (subst t1 t2
    (subst -1 t1 ptr_lst)
    unsorted T
    ) ;setq
    ) ;if

    (setq j (1+ j))

    ) ;while j

    (setq first_index (+ first_index partition_size)
    i (1+ i)

    ) ;while i

    ) ;while unsorted

    ;Build new list using sorted pointers

    (setq count 0 sorted_list nil)
    (while (< count number_items)
    (setq sorted_list
    (append sorted_list ;build updated list
    (nth count ptr_lst) ;pointer
    count (1+ count)
    ) ;setq
    ) ;while

    sorted_list ;return sorted list
    ) ;progn

    ) ;if

    ) ;defun

    ;;; xysort
    ;;; Two-dimensional sorting function
    ;;; Calls l_ssort
    ;;; Parameters llist -> list of values
    ;;; x -> primary key location
    ;;; y -> secondary key location
    ;;; method -> '> for ascending or '< for descending
    ;;; Returns -> Sorted list of values

    (if (= #ProductName "LispLib") (vl-doc-export 'xysort))
    (defun xysort (llist x y method
    / count1 llist_len sublist newlist key
    ( (= x y)
    (princ "\nError: X and Y values are equal.")
    ( (>= x (length (nth 0 llist)))
    (princ "\nError: X value greater than list length.")
    ( (>= y (length (nth 0 llist)))
    (princ "\nError: Y value greater than list length.")
    ( T
    (setq llist (l_ssort llist x method) ;first sort by x
    count1 0
    llist_len (length llist)
    sublist ()
    newlist ()
    (while (< count1 (1- llist_len))
    (setq key (nth x (nth count1 llist))
    count2 (1+ count1) ;next element after count1
    sublist (append (list (nth count1 llist))) ;add first x

    (while (and
    (< count2 llist_len)
    (= (nth x (nth count2 llist)) key) ;while x's are equal
    (setq sublist (append sublist (list (nth count2 llist)))
    count1 (1+ count1)
    count2 (1+ count2)
    ) ;while =
    (setq sublist (l_ssort sublist y method) ;sort by y
    newlist (append newlist sublist)
    count1 (1+ count1)
    ) ;while <
    (if (< count1 llist_len)
    (setq newlist (append newlist (list (nth count1 llist))))

    newlist ;return x-y sorted list
    ) ;case T
    ) ;cond
    ) ;defun

    Rakesh Rao, Nov 7, 2004
  4. Bruce Sheldon

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Bruce

    Try this one (don't forget to initialize ActiveX support by 'vl-load-com'):

    _$ (setq SrtLst '(("C" "1" "xxx") ("A" "1" "xxx") ("B" "1" "xxx")))
    (("C" "1" "xxx") ("A" "1" "xxx") ("B" "1" "xxx"))
    _$ (vl-sort SrtLst '(lambda (a b) (< (car a) (car b))))
    (("A" "1" "xxx") ("B" "1" "xxx") ("C" "1" "xxx"))

    Jürg Menzi, Nov 8, 2004
  5. Bruce Sheldon

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Forgot to say:
    Duplicate elements may be eliminated from the list.

    Jürg Menzi, Nov 8, 2004
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