Son Of Boss, and Salary hijinks....

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by CDignition, Jun 8, 2004.

  1. CDignition

    TheTick Guest

    Big deal. Half an hour is the kind of time that slips by if you're
    not a chronic clock-watcher. Meanwhile, the original poster has been
    strangely silent on the subject of his vacation time.

    I do agree that dumping in extra unpaid time is a sucker's move.
    Also, extra time is an exceedingly poor measure of a worker's
    dedication and effectiveness.
    TheTick, Jun 9, 2004
  2. CDignition

    Rocko Guest

    First off, remember he should have used his vacation days during his fathers
    funeral. Then there would be no issues. Sometimes people need to use there
    head before losing it.
    Rocko, Jun 9, 2004
  3. CDignition

    Freedom Elz Guest

    Just so I'm clear on this, taking extra days from the employer is a big
    deal, giving them
    extra days back is not?

    True enough but it does add up to 15.5 days a year, I doubt the employer
    be so dismissive it were a 1/2 hour wasted and costing him 15.5 days per

    I don't see how its relevant, maybe its different in the US, but most
    employers don't expect you
    to use vacation time to bury a parent.
    True enough, I am of course taking this fellow at his word and since he
    commented that the boss
    told him that he was pleased with him directly his dedication or work ethic
    doesn't seem to be an

    Further to your point though, I have worked at places where employees come
    in on weekends, stay late etc just so the bosses see them "putting in extra
    time." Meanwhile they are surfing the net, screwing around with Photoshop
    etc. and once the boss goes home they are out the door like a shot.
    Freedom Elz, Jun 9, 2004
  4. CDignition

    Freedom Elz Guest

    Yeah because nothing says "vacation" like burying a parent.

    Sounds like you should have been born in the Dickens era.
    Freedom Elz, Jun 9, 2004
  5. CDignition

    P Guest

    I recently experienced this one. I pointed out that SolidWorks was
    still rebuilding the whole time I was in there and they let me off the

    There was the addendum to this notice thast prunes would no longer be
    served in the lunch room.
    P, Jun 10, 2004
  6. CDignition

    Rocko Guest

    No , unlike you i know how to use my head. Also its the workers
    responsibility to figure it out not the bosses. It sounds like you come from
    a idiot union mentality.
    Rocko, Jun 10, 2004
  7. CDignition

    Roger Guest

    This is facinating stuff ... Don't you guys in the USA have contracts of
    employment? All this stuff should be agreed and in writing before you ever
    started working with these companies. In Europe this is like a time warp
    going back to the Victorians. To accept these conditions and vacation
    entitlements you must be getting paid one hell of a lot of basic salary.

    Roger (UK)
    Roger, Jun 10, 2004
  8. CONTRACTS? Naw, man, that's a Europe thing & very unusual here. I saw
    that when I worked for a French company, but it was never offered to me.
    Them Frenchies protected their own, dumped the Americans when the economy
    tanked. Nah, not on this side of the pond, we're too "pro-business" for
    that silly nonsense. Churn'em & burn'em is how it works over here. But we
    (usually) get to make more money if you can survive the ups 'n' downs.

    oh, that's funny. contracts in the US

    Moe_Larry_Curly, Jun 10, 2004
  9. CDignition

    Freedom Elz Guest

    "Using your head" isn't going to stop the death of parent, somethings are
    one's control. Expecting an employee to use vacation time to bury a parent
    draconian and assinine.

    Also its the workers
    Figure what out? Did you even read the orignal post?

    It sounds like you come from
    Not at all, unlike you, I'm not a sucker.

    Just like employers ask their employees to give extra when the business is
    in trouble,
    it is not at all unreasonable for employees to ask for the same in
    situations like this. Jobs
    come and go, but you only have one family, most employers (and human beings)
    realise this.

    I guess that hasn't dawned on your pre-industrial revolution mind yet, go
    back to sweeping
    Freedom Elz, Jun 10, 2004
  10. CDignition

    cadishaq Guest

    2 options I see are:

    Pull a gypsy flip in the wherehouse and take them for everything they
    are worth.

    Get a job with the EPA and shut them down cause you know where are the
    skeletons are buried

    cadishaq, Jun 12, 2004
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