Something missing?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Martin, Mar 14, 2005.

  1. Martin

    Martin Guest

    This may be another one of those "How do I approacht this?" issues.

    In doing some assembly work with SW one thing that irritated me was just how
    easy it is to break mates when editing parts. It would be quite useful to
    have the ability to have more absolute mate references (or truly smart

    One example of this is a part that you'd want to mate with another by always
    using the highest surface in the Y direction. I don't think that there's a
    way to embed this kind of intelligence into parts at the moment. Having
    this degree of intelligence would allow you to edit and experiment with a
    part and not destroy a million mates in an assembly.

    I haven't looked into the internals of Mates, however, on a superficial
    first-inspection they seem to be tied to the names of features, edges,
    points or planes rather than the feature itself. There seems to be little
    intelligence. Which means that, if you were to model exactly the same part
    without a single geometric difference except for the modeling sequence, a
    "Replace Component" would result in lots of errors.

    It is far too easy to blow-up a complex assembly by making an innocent
    change in a part. The more I use it the more I understand why in-context
    relations and features regarded as problems. The sad part is that such
    abilities as defining in-context geometry is one of the big reasons many of
    use have looked towards the use of programs such as SW.

    Martin, Mar 14, 2005
  2. Martin

    Wry&Dry Guest


    You are absolutely correct, creating in context relationships between parts
    is easy, too easy. It takes a fair bit of experience and forthought to make
    parts and assemblies that work well and retain in context relationships but
    IT CAN BE DONE, and too good effect There is a defnite heirachy of suitable
    mating geometry. Model vertices are the least desirable geometry for mating,
    followed by model edged, then faces, the reason being is that these geometry
    types are easily deleted or supressed. Adding a fillet to a part can
    "delete" several vertices / faces in the context of an assembly. Using
    planes or axis as primary mating picks can help however planes and or axis
    that rely on other model geometry for their existence are just as

    Layout assemblies or "Skeleton" parts / assemblies can be used to great
    effect when doing this kind of modelling, Greg Jankowski of SolidWorks has
    an excellent presentation covering this topic, your VAR should be able to
    provide you with this.

    Mates are specific to the assembly in which they are created, if you replace
    one part with another in an assembly then the mates will inevitably be
    broken, however SolidWorks does a great job of helping you fix the
    "dangling" mates with a fairly simple UI.
    Wry&Dry, Mar 14, 2005
  3. Martin

    P. Guest

    Look into Ed Eaton's Trees of Blood presentation which can be found
    elsewhere on the newsgroup.
    P., Mar 14, 2005
  4. Martin

    Brian Guest

    "One example of this is a part that you'd want to mate with another by
    using the highest surface in the Y direction. I don't think that there's a
    way to embed this kind of intelligence into parts at the moment. Having
    this degree of intelligence would allow you to edit and experiment with a
    part and not destroy a million mates in an assembly"

    For this specific example you could try:
    -extruding a body from the xz plane "through all" in the desired y direction
    without "merge results" checked. Maintain this as your last feature by
    re-ordering as required.
    -mate to the surface of this place-holding part, then hide it
    -prior to sw2004 or if otherwise desired, the same could be accomplished
    with surface bodies

    This would only work well if both mating entities were planer. If there
    were not, the same general process could be used with reference geometry
    like planes and sketches with pierce-points, but the exact method would have
    to be examined on a case-by-case basis.
    Brian, Mar 14, 2005
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