something i've discouvered on split features and multibody parts

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Gil Alsberg, May 16, 2007.

  1. Gil Alsberg

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    Hi guys,
    I want to share with you a strange expiriance with solidworks 2007 sp2.2

    Before a while i've created a solid part (lets call it "master part") and
    splited it with the split feature using two planes of which the location is
    controled in it with two configurations (lets call them default config and
    non-default config).

    When I created the split feature solidworks asks me if i want to save
    seperate part files of each part of the split feature, so i saved them in 3
    seperate part files which solidworks called "solid body 1, solid body 2,
    solid body 3).
    Now if I open any of these "solid body X" part files then they also have two
    configurations (default and non-default) but only default is working the
    other one has a red error mark on the derived body icon in the feature
    manager tree!!.
    So I went back to the master part file, switched to non-default
    configuration, entered into the split feature again and pressed again the
    "save all bodies" button.
    Now I switched back to one of the "solid body X" part files and the
    non-default configuration was now o.k. in addition to the default
    configuration!!! as i wanted from the beginning.

    So i guess the conclusion is that in the "save all bodies" button on the
    split feature, solidworks will only save the current configuration status of
    bodies in the resultant part files, and that one has to repeat this
    procedure manually in order to achive this on all
    configurations!.....strange isn't it? i would expect solidworks to go
    through all configurations and all "solid body X" part files and to save
    each status accordingly and automaticaly. wouldn't you too?

    I will love to hear your thoughts on this,

    Gil Alsberg, May 16, 2007
  2. Gil,
    Split Part-saving-bodies-as-files was not implemented well from the
    beginning and it has been banned from my office for a variety of
    reasons (and the configuration one wasn't one of them - I didn't know
    that). So I can't tell you how to deal with the problem because I
    have no experience 'putting lipstick on that pig'. I don't even know
    if it is a pig anymore because we just...don'

    I can offer to forward your issue to folks at SWx who are interested
    in fixing 'split part'. I'll try to do that tomorrow. I don't know if
    it's a known issue, and I have been out of the loop on what's on the
    agenda for '08 so who knows what will happen.

    I can also offer you the stable way that I deal with 'master models'
    below in this post
    (something that is analyzed in Curvy Stuff V - the wrath of scotty,
    part 2, available on our website - Just look at
    the tutorials tab in the middle of the left side of the page. FYI -
    Due to a lot of traffic, we have to manually restrict downloads to
    between 5PM and 5AM Central time U.S. Sorry if that doesn't work with
    your schedule, but we need our bandwidth to service our customers and
    do our job)

    I, and it turns out, a lot of others, have individually developed a
    more stable/predictable approach. We create the master model, then we
    start new parts and insert the master model into those new parts
    (insert>part) and use delete bodies (insert>features>delete body) to
    remove the bodies we don't want in the child part. I have never run
    into a problem with this approach, though to be fair I haven't much
    production experience with 2007 sp 2.2.

    The insert>part approach is maybe another 30 seconds worth of time
    that will save you hours - or potentially days - worth of aggravation
    and issues. I have never had a single issue with this approach.
    Please consider it, and (as always) test it for yourself and report
    back if you have any problems.

    BTW, If I need to use the split part feature to split a body into two
    bodies using a plane, that's fair game. I just don't save the bodies
    to files - let the insert>part child part (or delete bodies features
    in the master parts configurations) handle that differentiation.

    Finally, be very careful of the show/hide status of the bodies that
    are being split. This is a sneaky issue - if the bodies aren't shown
    in the tree just above the split (rollback and show bodies, because
    show/hide status is part of the tree history at least through early
    versions of 2007) the body defined to be split is ignored. No warning,
    no error.. just no results.

    Let us know if any of this helps

    Edward T Eaton, May 17, 2007
  3. Gil Alsberg

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    Thanks for your detailed advice. i'm allways glad to learn from expirianced
    guyes like you what to use and how in solidworks . i will report in the
    future how it goes for me regarding your alternate way to the "save bodies"
    function in the split feature. it is interesting that your bypass system of
    the "save all bodies" function which takes a few seconds more each time can
    save a lot of time!! i'm allways surprised at what i can learn new on the
    software which isn't written anywhere in the documentation, and for that i'm

    Gil Alsberg, May 17, 2007
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