some wheelmouse bindings for CDE's dt window manager

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by fogh, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. fogh

    fogh Guest

    # I have put this section in the file /etc/dt/C/sys.dtwmrc , but it can probably go in some other location like ~/.dt/dtwmrc, ~/.dt/C/dtwmrc, ~/.dt/%L/dtwmrc ,... (check with the sysadmin when in doubt).
    # the interesting stuff is the last 4 lines, with Btn4 or Btn5

    Buttons DtButtonBindings

    <Btn1Down> root f.marquee_selection
    <Btn2Click> root f.toggle_frontpanel
    <Btn3Down> root DtRootMenu
    Shift<Btn1Click> frame|icon f.lower
    <Btn1Click> frame|icon f.raise
    <Btn1Click2> frame f.maximize
    <Btn1Click2> icon f.restore
    <Btn2Click> frame|icon f.raise_lower
    <Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
    Alt<Btn1Click> frame|icon|window f.raise
    Alt<Btn1Click2> frame|window f.minimize
    Alt<Btn1Click2> icon f.restore
    Alt<Btn2Click> frame|icon|window f.raise_lower
    Alt<Btn1Down> frame|icon|window f.move
    Alt<Btn3Down> window f.minimize
    <Btn4Down> root f.circle_down
    <Btn5Down> root f.circle_up
    Alt<Btn4Down> root f.next_workspace
    Alt<Btn5Down> root f.prev_workspace
    fogh, Jul 19, 2004
  2. fogh

    fogh Guest

    Maybe I should explain a bit how to use this one:
    Once your workspace is cluttered with dfII's windows, move the mouse over a leftover empty bit of the desktop, and roll the wheel: the windows will raise to top in turn.
    fogh, Jul 19, 2004
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