Some network install issues

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Gordon Price, Jan 15, 2004.

  1. Gordon Price

    Gordon Price Guest

    1: When I build my Deployment, I have a chance to define a 'default
    profile'. However, I don't get to point this at an ARG file, so this default
    profile uses default settings, no office standard mappings, nothing. I might
    as well call it 'garbage' as it is useless and I will delete it. Or am I
    doing something wrong, and I can make this 'default profile' have some

    1.5: Or am I supposed to use the name, then use the ARG renamed REG to push
    the settings for that profile. Allong the same lines, I thought you could
    supply an ARG file in a shortcut, and Acad would load that ARG file if the
    profile didn't exist. Is this no longer available?

    2: I have configured R2004 to look at a local text file for upgrades, but
    when I try to run the install for Tool Palettes Extension with the /P
    switch, it actually looks for an install of Acad. I thought the whole point
    of the switch was to have it unpack the files to a designated folder and
    make a text file with the information Acad needs. The help I have found even
    says that if you don't use the /P switch the extension will actually
    install, suggesting that with it it won't. Again, am I doing something
    wrong, or misunderstanding how this is supposed to work.

    3: And lastly, I can't seem to get %USERNAME% to work as part of the Plot
    Style path, but it works fine for the general path. Can anyone verify that
    indeed environment variables are not enabled for anything but the general
    path? I would be sad, but I would also give up and address the pathing
    manually at each instal.

    Gordon Price, Jan 15, 2004
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