Some LW parts not showing in BOM til 'resolved' in Assy SW2006sp3

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by hayduke, Feb 15, 2006.

  1. hayduke

    hayduke Guest

    Anybody else seeing some LIGHTWEIGHT parts not populating all the fields
    of an Excel based BOM in assembly drawings, until the parts are Resolved
    in the Assembly file? I get a handful of parts that repeatedly do not
    display their 'DESCRIPTION', every time I open the drawing, I have to
    open the assy and resolve or dig thru the assy and find the offending
    parts... just to make a print!

    The original Assy was made back in 2003 or so, migrated and revised
    since, with about 195 unique parts...

    Waiting patiently<not> for the next SP...
    hayduke, Feb 15, 2006
  2. hayduke

    cih Guest

    Have the same problem, and with the SW BOM as well. To solve it, until
    a SP is released, im opening all drawings as resolved. In the BOMs, I
    also have a problem with the BOM positions numbering and the ballons
    positions arent the same, here I have to open the assy and reorder 1
    component, to trigger a rebuild, so the BOM positions are refering to
    the correct ballon numbering. Dont know if there is a solution for this
    as well?

    hayduke skrev:
    cih, Feb 15, 2006
  3. hayduke

    hayduke Guest

    Glad to hear I'm not alone... if the assy weren't so large I'd send it off to
    the reseller
    hayduke, Feb 15, 2006
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