Some free VBA-stuff

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Markku Lehtola, Nov 21, 2003.

  1. Markku Lehtola

    Jim Sculley Guest

    Well, if Philippe's CadML is the storage mechanism, revision control
    becomes easy. There are dozens of time-tested, powerful tools
    performing revision control for source code text files already. CVS for
    example. Imagine being able to create a new 'branch' in your model
    where you explore an alternate way of modeling a dozen features, and
    then being able to back out of all those changes, returing to the model
    you started with.

    Jim S.
    Jim Sculley, Dec 3, 2003
  2. Is it using one file to store all modelling information (huge and slow
    file?) or one file for each rev.?

    So...where's the free tool that works with SW then ;-)

    I know that many users are already quite confused with configurations
    (maybe not here but generally) and if there is going to be something quite
    similar but for revisions is it all getting too complex for most of the
    Markku Lehtola, Dec 3, 2003
  3. Markku Lehtola

    Jim Sculley Guest

    Markku Lehtola wrote:

    Well, for something like CVS, it is a single file. The CVS system
    injects text to mark what has been added/removed, etc, between changes.
    The end user never sees the injected text, as it is stripped out when
    the user 'check out' the file.

    CVS overall, is one of the less intelligent systems. IBM has a current
    open source project called Stellation which has a finer grained aproach
    to source code storage, in which individual program elements (i.e. a
    function declaration) can be tracked. As a user, you can say, show me
    the function foo() as it was last Tuesday at 11:30 AM, and *poof*, it

    Once again, this is for source code, but my mind gets spinning when I
    think about the possibilities for other areas. A solid model, when
    expressed as text, isn't all that different from a computer program.
    Interdependencies between smaller elements are used to create larger
    elements and so on.
    I suspect that configurations are overused. I avoid them for the most
    part because of the problems they cause when the time comes to make
    drawings and BOMs.

    Revisions are another matter. There are two types of revisions: public
    and private. Public revisions are the ones that go through official
    channels to let mfg, sales, etc know that something changed. Private
    revisions occur when I think of an alternate way to do something and
    want to explore it. Currently, you can use configs for this, but it is
    cumbersome. You have to pay close attention to suppression state, and
    even closer attention to avoid changing dimensions globally that you
    only intended to change in the current configuration. The other option
    is to copy the file and then hack away on it, but then you may have
    issues if the 'hacked on' version turns out to be better. You have to
    track down the places the part may be used and so on.

    I want the freedom to fiddle with things without having to worry about
    getting back to where I started. If a nice revision control system for
    public revisions can come from that as well, I'm all for it.

    Jim S.
    Jim Sculley, Dec 4, 2003
  4. Little bit afraid to see a part that has let's say 10 configurations and
    each has several revisions and all that information is in one file..there
    should be a tool to strip off some revisions that you propably don't need
    anymore (but you never really know what you need and what you don't:))

    Only "problem" for me seems to be that you can't have the same file name
    for part and a drawing, but because..of course...I know that I'm using
    configurations it's not a problem at all. Custom Property softwares can
    handle configurations...and if they don't you should switch
    to one that can. Never had any other problems..
    I agree. Maybe some's good to have something to dream about :)
    Markku Lehtola, Dec 5, 2003
  5. Philippe,

    I wholeheartedly agree that XML makes for a great structure to store SW
    information, especially since its flexibility is well-matched to the
    flexibility of SW models. I've been using XML on kind of an ad-hoc basis in
    building configurator type programs, so I was interested to see that you are
    proposing a standardized vocabulary.

    I was curious about how far you envisioned going with this, and what sort of
    benefits you see in standardization. Depending on how much time you want to
    invest in this, has a forum for establishing Technical
    Committees to develop standardized XML vocabularies. This could, however,
    complicate the issue beyond what you're envisioning. BTW, in searching for
    CadML, I came across another CadML proposal that seemed to focus more on
    functional aspects of the modeled objects:

    For myself, the ad hoc methodology is still a great tool. I'd be interested
    in learning how to take it further, though, if standardization opens some
    new potential.

    Best Regards,
    Brenda D. Bosley, Dec 17, 2003
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