Solidworks World and SW 2009 News

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by dvanzile3, Jan 24, 2008.

  1. dvanzile3

    dvanzile3 Guest

    Firstly, I'd like to personally thank everyone who posted SW world
    updates and info in their blogs.
    Ricky J, Matt P, Jason R, Anna, and anyone else I failed to mention.
    Thanks for all your efforts!

    I was lucky enough to be able to attend in 2000 (New Orleans) and then
    again in 2006 (Vegas). I must say,
    not only was the sw information and sessions informative, the general
    sessions and sw community make going back to work that much more
    inspirational again. They certainly know how to put on a 3-4 day
    convention. I'm looking forward to the next time I'm able to attend.

    Now to the part that is my favorite.... what are they doing for the
    next version, 2009 specifically?

    I kept reading that there was a common theme to concentrate on
    performance and reliability and I applaud this approach to the new
    version. However, from what I've seen in your posts, where is the
    performance boost exactly?

    This "Speedpak" feature for large assemblies (and I hate to say
    this....) seems like another half-baked feature that I'll never really
    use. That is, unless I'm not understanding it correctly. This just
    turns on or off more and more random parts in a large assembly to load
    or not load? I guess I'd like further input on this as I am hoping
    for the best.

    Also, I read that the same large assembly was used to create a 3-view
    drawing. One in 2008 and the same one in 2009 side by side. 2008
    finished in nearly 2 minutes and the 2009 in under 30 seconds. Now
    this is definitely impressive but I only have on question to this.
    I'm under the assumption that this speed increase is because 2009 is
    now utilizing 2-4 or even 8 cores to calculate drawing views. With
    this, am I to assume that if I have a single processor that I will
    never see this increase in performance? Again, I guess I need more

    I don't mean to sound cynical but rather just hoping for a true
    performance increase on a "single level" processor.
    Now don't me wrong, I surely hope their development team is working
    hard to make more and more functions of the software multithreaded
    considering that's what mainstream cpu's and future cpu's are headed.

    Who knows, maybe sw is doing exactly what the users have been asking
    for for a while now. "Less new functionality and more bug fixes!"
    just because it fits in the grand scheme of things for their
    software. And that's going through existing code and rewriting so it
    can be multithreaded to utilize all those dare I say sleeping cpu
    cores. So it would seem it gives us exactly what we want making us
    feel like we got what we want.... all the while it fits exactly into
    their software future. Either way it's great thing is what I'm
    getting at!

    Great job once again SW for another great SW world. From what I read
    about in the blogs anyways!!!

    Looking forward to any updates too on the new features!

    Don V
    dvanzile3, Jan 24, 2008
  2. dvanzile3

    Anna Wood Guest


    All very good questions and all of us are hopeful that SW is true to
    what it says and does concentrate on the quality and performance of
    the software. It seems to be their focus when talking to people
    further down the chain of command.

    We will have no idea on what/how performance improves in SW2009 until
    we are able to see it in the Beta program. Until then we are all just

    I tend to be an optimist, so I am looking forward to a good SW2009


    Anna Wood, Jan 24, 2008
  3. Anna,

    I am also very much looking forward to SolidWorks 2009 from a users
    standpoint. From the standpoint of somebody that develops SolidWorks
    courses... I am looking forward to much. To me it looks like I have a
    lot of new topics to cover!!!

    Al Whatmough

    Inspirtech - Web-base SolidWorks training
    albert.inspirtech, Jan 24, 2008
  4. dvanzile3

    iQ Guest

    I think that more than anything else we would like to see quantitive
    results. I am sure that a few of the folks out there saw the Wildfire
    notation of 4.0 release. They state actual numbers that a user could
    validate on their own designs. This is a lot better than stating it
    goes faster and runs better. We would like to see something that can
    be qualified. iQ
    iQ, Jan 24, 2008
  5. dvanzile3

    lmar Guest

    I'd be interested if SW runs benchmark programs against the two and
    what numbers are generated - something we can compare first hand.

    lmar, Jan 24, 2008
  6. They did run bench marks and displayed the numbers at SolidWorks World
    2008. I am told that all the presentations will be made availble so
    when I get a copy I will let you know the result of those benchmarks.

    Al Whatmough - SolidWorks Training
    albert.inspirtech, Jan 25, 2008
  7. dvanzile3

    JOJO Guest

    Hi there,
    it is so rediculous to here you already speculate about all the benefits
    SW 2009 will hopefully bring us. LOL

    SW 2008 is still a useless POS, intolerable for dayly projects. It seems
    you already gave up the hope for SW 2008.

    For my point of view, the SW software engineers won´t get my absolution
    to work on next SW release until they get their shit fixed in SW 2008 first!

    my 2 cents


    JOJO, Jan 25, 2008
  8. dvanzile3

    TOP Guest

    Yes, but have they done it on the drawing that I used at the basis for
    the comment Is 7:28 to long to load a drawing? posted elsewhere? You
    have to be very careful with SW claims to great speed increases
    because they frequently do a shell game with when and where the "big"
    regen is done.

    TOP, Jan 25, 2008
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