SolidWorks World 2005 Monday Morning

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by \\/\\/im, Feb 1, 2005.

  1. \\/\\/im

    \\/\\/im Guest

    Some highlights taken from:

    .. SolidWorks helped Microsoft fix Windows Installer. Service Pack #1 for SW
    2005 will be out in two weeks - waiting on the MS fixes.

    Product Update
    .. 2006 Sneak Preview.
    .. Automated Vent Design.
    .. Drag and Drop Decal surfaces.
    .. Automatic text note resize with embedded spell checker.
    .. Rotate views in drawings as in e-Drawings.
    .. "A fundamental performance" enhancement by partially rebuilding the core
    of SW.

    \\/\\/im, Feb 1, 2005
  2. \\/\\/im

    Malcontent Guest

    "Partially" ?
    Another SWX Corp. half done attempt I presume.
    But we should jump for joy, something's better than nothing.

    Malcontent, Feb 1, 2005
  3. \\/\\/im

    kmaren24 Guest

    Don't start reading into something that might not possibly be there.
    They most likely only re-wrote only what they needed. You're not
    female are you? :)

    Ken M
    kmaren24, Feb 1, 2005
  4. \\/\\/im

    Rock Guy Guest

    The Tetul's from American Chopper showed up on Monday. they use SW and
    CosmosWorks in there shop now. They designed a bike with SW and
    unvieled it at the general session on Monday. For people who watch the
    show... Paul Sr., Jr and Mickey were here. It was exciting. The crowd
    just erupted when John Mcleney rode it onto the stage.
    Rock Guy, Feb 1, 2005
  5. How cool is that? Actually, how cool would it be to be their SW retailer?
    Walking into the place trying to sell a seat of SW with the "'tree of dem
    !#$%ing guys" arguing and throwing bike frames around! :) hmmm, the area
    they are from isn't too far from me - wonder if they need someone? Welll,
    actually - now that I think about it, Paul Sr. doesn't exactly radiate the
    phrase "job security", but I guess as long as you kept a clean "5-S" desk
    area and got your work done on time, you'd escape his wrath.... ;)

    Scott MacIntyre, Feb 2, 2005
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