Solidworks vs. Pro E File Size

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by DiscDawg, Dec 28, 2006.

  1. DiscDawg

    DiscDawg Guest

    Hi all,
    If two parts with identical geometry are modeled on ProE and
    SolidWorks, what are the differences in file size?

    I have received a large .stp assembly that was originally made in ProE.
    When I try to open it in SolidWorks I pretty much run out of memory
    trying to converting all of the parts back to .SLDPRT and SLDASM. The
    supplier of the model says that my computer is equivalent to what they
    have used to produce the model in question and that it should handle
    the conversion no problemo.

    I'm just looking for a little insight.

    DiscDawg, Dec 28, 2006
  2. DiscDawg

    dvanzile3 Guest

    I personally absolutely hate dealing with .stp files. In my experiece
    they always seem to prove the most unreliable unless going from Catia
    V5 to SW.

    My guess is that this .stp file is a fairly decent size then and SW
    tends to be very cumbersome handling large .stp files. I would first
    try and get an .iges file or maybe the]
    native Pro-e file ( SW can open certain native versions).

    Here is some info. from the SW help file.

    Importing Pro/ENGINEER Files into SolidWorks
    The Pro/ENGINEER translator imports Pro/ENGINEER part or assembly files
    as SolidWorks part or assembly documents. The attributes, features,
    sketches, and dimensions of the Pro/ENGINEER part are imported. If all
    of the features in the file are not supported, you can choose to import
    the file as either a solid body or a surface model. The Pro/ENGINEER
    translator supports import of free curves, wireframes, and surface

    When importing an assembly, you can control how to import individual
    components. Sub-assemblies are supported as well.

    You can import Pro/ENGINEER surface-trim and surface-extend features
    into SolidWorks. These features are read in from the Pro/ENGINEER file
    and mapped to SolidWorks.

    Version Information - Versions 17 through 2001 of Pro/ENGINEER and
    Wildfire versions 1 and 2 are supported.
    dvanzile3, Dec 28, 2006
  3. DiscDawg

    TOP Guest

    1. How much memory is in your PC?
    2. What are your pagefile settings?
    3. Are you using the 3Gb switch?

    Realize that STEP is not Pro/E, it is a third party neutral format and
    as such requires, in general, extra processing steps over the native

    You don't say how large the assembly is. 100, 1,000 parts, 10,000
    parts, 100,000 parts? Inquiring minds want to know.
    TOP, Dec 28, 2006
  4. DiscDawg

    DiscDawg Guest

    I have 1 gig on board and a page file setting of 1536mb. I dont know
    the exact size of the assembly but their are 950 parts converted so far
    and that is when it crashes so there are more to go.
    In a past job with the same company, Iges files would run me out of
    memory, I had them send stp. files and I was able to get them converted
    and finish the project.

    I just loaded 2007, I need to service pack it up. Then I will give that
    a shot.

    DiscDawg, Dec 29, 2006
  5. DiscDawg

    TOP Guest

    Pretty meagre on memory. Just setting the 3GB switch may get you
    through even with 1Gb of physical ram.
    TOP, Dec 29, 2006
  6. DiscDawg

    Eddie Guest

    Although no one else responded or laughed at your response.
    And, although I use SolidWorks and for me, it does everything I need it
    to do (almost).
    And, I really enjoy working with SolidWorks.

    I just have to say that this hit me smack dab in the funny bone or
    something, I couldn't stop laughing. I've never heard of any software
    package's workings refered to in such a maner.
    Just hilarious,
    Thanks & Happy New Year,
    Eddie, Dec 29, 2006
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