Solidworks, VPN, Remote Desktop Connection

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Richard Charney, Sep 30, 2004.

  1. Has anybody ever tried to use Solidworks using a VPN connection and Remote

    What I mean is, having Solidworks installed on a machine at work and then
    using VPN and Remote Desktop from home to access the machine and run
    Solidworks that way.

    Richard Charney, Sep 30, 2004
  2. Richard Charney

    Seth Renigar Guest

    Yes I have. In my experience, VPN is just way too slow to open up
    assemblies of any size. Individual parts and part drawings may be ok if you
    are not in a big hurry. Just remember, every time you save a file, it saves
    it through the VPN also. If you really want to use VPN, I advise simply
    copying your files from work to home (still slow), working with them
    locally, then copying them back to work. By the way, both my work and I
    have cable connections.

    There is one other alternative that I have never tried, but seems feasible.
    You could use VNC software to remotely control your computer at work. There
    is very little bandwidth used doing this, only the graphical image of your
    computer screen at work. And when you open or save a SW document, the data
    is only having to travel to and from your work computer and the server,
    unless of course your files are located directly on your work computer in
    which case it would be that much faster. Also, your work computer would be
    doing all of the number crunching on its processor, not your home computer.
    I've heard that VNC works really great for general software. But with the
    fact that SW has constantly changing screen updates (rotations & zooms), it
    may possibly not work very well either. If anyone has ever tried the VNC
    solution, post your comments. By the way, VNC software is free.
    Seth Renigar, Sep 30, 2004
  3. Thanks for your input Seth. I'm going to look at the VNC option and see what
    I can come up with.

    Has anybody tried the VNC option?

    Richard Charney, Sep 30, 2004
  4. Richard Charney

    MM Guest


    We've used VPN for file access and backups.

    One of the problems I see right away is the display. There's some very
    intense graphics stuff going on when you use SW. When you use a program like
    PC Anywhere or Remote Desktop, all the remote system does is act as a dumb
    frame buffer. This is several orders of magnitude too slow to support
    interactive 3D graphics. Even the old X-Terminals did all the graphic
    processing locally. Windows isn't set up to pipline these types of tasks to
    a remote machine.

    You're much better off installing SW on the remote machine and using VPN for
    file transfer. Even then, it will be too slow for large files.



    In a word processor or spreadshe
    MM, Sep 30, 2004
  5. Ok, thanks for your input Mark.

    Richard Charney, Sep 30, 2004
  6. You should try freeware called Ultr@VNC or similar, but I have a feeling
    that it's still going to be too slow
    Markku Lehtola, Oct 1, 2004
  7. I have used SW successfully over both VNC and RDC. It is just like using it
    locally, although you do miss a screen refresh once in a while.

    Remember, RDC comes free if you have a Windows XP machine.
    Evan T. Basalik, Oct 1, 2004
  8. RDC......I'm assuming you mean Remote Desktop Connection.
    Do you use that with VNC or VPN?
    Richard Charney, Oct 2, 2004
  9. I have used it for both.

    To make it even more confusing... You can use either VNC or a VPN or RDC to
    get into your machine from outside your firewall. Then, you use either VNC
    or RDC to get to another machine on your network.

    Are you confused yet?
    Evan T. Basalik, Oct 3, 2004
  10. Richard Charney

    Bo Clawson Guest

    Very intriguing.

    Hadn't considered it before, but that means I could fire up WinXP on
    my Mac in Virtual PC (yeah, I know it is slow) and try running my work
    PC remotely on my PowerBook. I may try it when I get some time.

    Bo Clawson, Oct 3, 2004
  11. Richard Charney

    conj Guest

    There's an installable version for Linux and source code for UNIX. You could
    probably find an installable version for OS-X. Start at
    conj, Oct 4, 2004
  12. Richard Charney

    Krister L Guest

    What would be the difference in running a remote desktop via VNS from
    running it via the built in remote deskotop in Win XP

    Krister L
    Krister L, Oct 5, 2004
  13. Richard Charney

    Rajiv Saxena Guest

    In a nutshell, the key difference between the two approaches, VNC and
    Remote Desktop, is as follows:

    a) VNC connects to (a live) desktop session and simply captures the
    screen on the Master machine and forwards it to you on the listener

    b) The remote desktop software in Windows creates a new session of its
    own on the Master machine and is *completely* different from any
    sessions running on the same machine. All resources of your desktop
    (master machine) are shared across the two sessions.

    I have seen VNC used extensively for connecting to a live session but
    it has a few issues. One critical issue is that to be able to connect
    you must know the IP address of the (Master) machine you are
    connecting to. In addition, if this machine is behind a firewall, you
    would need to set up an arrangement so this (Master) machine is
    visible from the (listener) machine you want to connect from.

    If both machines are behind the *same* firewall (for instance, when
    using a VPN solution), then all you need to know is the IP address of
    the Master machine, and plug it in the VNC viewer software on the
    listener machine.

    Another issue, with VNC, as pointed out by another poster is that of
    performance when working with graphics intensive applications such as

    Hope this helps.
    - Rajiv

    Conferencing and Collaboration for the Knowledge Worker
    Rajiv Saxena, Oct 6, 2004
  14. Richard Charney

    Krister L Guest

    Thanks Raijiv

    That helped a lot

    Krister L

    Krister L, Oct 6, 2004
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