SolidWorks' VAR Business Model??

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jason Lattimer, Jun 4, 2007.

  1. Last Friday our company was informed that our region was being
    consolidated from multiple VARs to one VAR. Our current VAR was being
    removed and our licenses were being transferred to the one regional
    We were also told that this directive was coming from SolidWorks.
    Has anyone else heard of this happening and was it truly coming from
    SolidWorks corporate? I have checked SolidWorks' website and there is
    nothing there stating that VARs are being consolidated.

    Thank you in advance for your replies.
    Jason Lattimer, Jun 4, 2007
  2. Jason Lattimer

    swizzle Guest

    I have a feeling you are getting a half-truth. In other words, enough of
    the truth as it affects your organization.

    Dassault is going through a rebranding of their image and SolidWorks is now
    going to be branded more inline with D's other product offerings. I expect
    a lot of changes on the SolidWorks front as it finally gets assimilated into
    the D organization instead of the merry individualism it has been able to
    maintain to date.

    Since my consulting work is now getting more and more forced to use
    Solidworks (a product I haven't invested into yet) and a potential change of
    employers coming my way to move from Edge to Works, leaves me wondering what
    potential changes are REALLY in store for Solidworks. So far, no rebranding
    of SolidEdge under the larger corporate umbrella has been overlly beneficial
    for that particular product. I think Works will get the short end of this
    deal also.

    swizzle, Jun 4, 2007
  3. Jason Lattimer

    matt Guest

    Every now and then a VAR gets booted, usually because they aren't making
    their sales numbers, but sometimes for technical quality issues or
    because they tried to pull a fast one. SW occasionally culls the field
    for various reasons. I highly doubt that this has anything to do with
    Dassault, or even that the different situations are related. The SW
    reseller chain is a pretty cutthroat business, and VARs come and go.
    matt, Jun 5, 2007
  4. Swizzle, Brian, and Matt,
    Thank you for your responses.

    The main reason for the post was to determine if this was an isolated
    event at this time or is SolidWorks looking at changing their overall
    dealings with VARs.

    In other post within this UG, there is a lot of questioning to the
    value in the "Value-Added Reseller." Maybe I was being optimistic
    that this was the first move to have users contact SolidWorks

    Thank you again for your responses.
    Jason Lattimer, Jun 5, 2007
  5. Jason Lattimer

    swizzle Guest

    I checked out your website. MN, ey?

    I'm surprised that with the size of your machine designs that you are not
    using SE. In terms of where SE and SW actually play one-up-manship, Edge
    handles massive assemblies much better than Works. And your machines look

    I'd like to hear about some of your assembly techniques to maintain
    performance using Works.
    I also see you have openings for Mechanical Engineers. I have no intention
    of ever moving back to the snow and cold, but I do consulting work - hint
    hint. Remotely.

    swizzle, Jun 5, 2007
  6. - they're called 'caves' ...

    Rick ;-)
    R.H. \(Rick\) Mason, Jun 6, 2007
  7. Jason Lattimer

    swizzle Guest

    And speaking of top notch consultants very familiar with large machine
    design for the food and beverage industry. Too bad his toilets flush funny.
    And he can find me in this newsgroup as well as the SE newsgroup to be able
    to harass me. Back to the bbsnotes for me.

    Thanks, Rick.

    --Scott W.
    swizzle, Jun 6, 2007
  8. Actually, they are following the path that Autodesk has taken. Small
    resellers are becoming extinct. Large resellers have lots of pull with
    Adesk, SW and others. It saves the software maker big bucks by having less
    shipping and billing addresses... Autodesk started this trend about 10
    years ago, and uncounted good resellers bit the dust.

    It's a shame too, since most large resellers are box movers and in bed with
    large corporations with hundreds of seats. The small ( 1-50 user) customer
    is left in the lerch.

    I was one of those resellers forced to merge or be terminated. I'm much
    happier now that I just do training and consulting without playing the
    political games.

    Dennis Jeffrey, AICE, MICE
    Instructor/Author/Sr. App Engr.
    AIP 11SP2, AIP 2008
    Dennis Jeffrey, Jun 20, 2007
  9. Jason Lattimer

    jon_banquer Guest

    "Maybe I was being optimistic that this was the first move to have
    users contact SolidWorks directly."

    The SolidWorks Corp. VAR model is probably the major reason that
    SolidWorks has sold so well so quickly. The drawback to end users in
    how SolidWorks Corp. protects their VAR's. SolidWorks Corp. lets their
    VAR's make money on end users by not putting a real effort into
    documentation included with SolidWorks. This way SolidWorks VAR's can
    make money on training end users with *exclusive* SolidWorks training
    materials from SolidWorks Corp. Some SolidWorks VAR's will sell these
    exclusive SolidWorks Corp. training materials to end users without the
    end user having to pay the VAR for the training class. Another
    alternative is e-bay which seem to have a plethora of exclusive
    SolidWorks VAR training materials for sale.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jun 20, 2007
  10. Jason Lattimer

    Cliff Guest

    Over a decade or so? But you whine about it.
    You expect them to provide support & training for Pro-E, CATIA &
    banquercadcam too?
    Unlike what you just claimed in the line above.
    If it's exclusive SolidWorks VAR training materials who stole it?
    Making much money?

    BTW, How OUTDATED & OBSOLETE is it? These things can change rapidly.
    Cliff, Jun 21, 2007
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