SolidWorks User Group Network Technical Summit

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by fcsuper, Nov 15, 2007.

  1. fcsuper

    fcsuper Guest


    At the invitation of Richard Doyle, I attended the one-day training
    and networking "SWUGN Technical Summit" for San Jose, CA on Nov 14,
    2007. I was thoroughly impressed with the diversity and quality of the
    event's presentations which covered topics ranging from training for
    Animator to discussions of concepts like Horizontal Design. There were
    so many presentations offered that two were held at a time, giving the
    attendees the opportunity to choose the topics that most interested

    Many of the presentations at our Technical Summit are similar to the
    Break-Out Sessions that will be offered at SolidWorks 2008 in January.
    There were a total of 10 training presentations in five sessions, not
    including the free breakfast and lunch with its own presentation.
    Which brings me to the best point: the Technical Summits are only $35!
    This event is literally worth more than tens times that amount.
    Similar events easily cost $400 or more, and don't include free
    breakfast and lunch. I can't say enough that these events are a great
    value, offering tremendous bang for the buck. They are also great
    networking opportunities since end users of all sorts come together,
    from industrial designers to shop owners. (As a side note, if the boss
    is unlikely to approve of your trip to a SolidWorks World conference,
    they may jump at the chance to approve your attendance to one of these
    local Technical Summits instead.)

    For the rest of my review (including details about individual
    sessions) please go here:


    Matt Lorono
    fcsuper, Nov 15, 2007
  2. We missed the first technical summit in Portland because I didn't think
    there was enough content to interest us. Richard convinced me I was wrong
    and we attended the second one. It was well worth the time away from the
    job. It came very close to being one day of SolidWorks World at less than 5%
    of the cost. I highly recommend them now!

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Nov 15, 2007
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