What are some of the software packages that enable Solidworks files to be read into CNC machines (Gibbs Cam in my case) that are actually worth the money? Different vendors I have spoken with say to avoid this CAD to CAM step like poison ivy, and continue making 2d prints. But other vendors are using CAD / CAM software very effectively (but they are not using Solidworks). I know most of our local vendor want to stay "old school" with the 2d prints, but I would like to go with sending a 3d model (for tooling paths, etc.. ) and have accurate part come in for use. Here are some questions I have. Please note this will be our first step in being "weened off" of 2d prints so my questions may come off as pretty clueless. 1) What CAD / CAM software packages are recommended for a company taking there first steps in reading SW data in the CNC world. 2) Are inspection prints still required? My concern is when the parts come in the door how does QA inspect the parts? 3) I have asked different people how they handle tolerances since there is no print to read 5.000 +/- .0004. The most popular reply is "Just use industry standards". How do you incorporate that into a 3d model assembly that is made from many different size parts with many different materials being used? Thanks...