SolidWorks Tech Support

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Doug Eicher, Jan 7, 2004.

  1. Doug Eicher

    Doug Eicher Guest

    Another round of comments solicitated.

    How is the tech support offered by SolidWorks? It seems PTC has
    outsourced its service to the India. The quality of the support seems
    to be pretty good. The fluency of the English language is excellent.
    The ability to understand the tech, however, is not.

    Has SolidWorks kept the support center in North America? Not that I
    call for hand holding, that's what this group is for! ;^) Reporting of
    bugs is another story.


    Windoze 2000 SP4
    768 MB RAM
    nVidia Quadro2 MXR/EX Driver Build
    Wildfahr 2003451
    Doug E. Eicher
    Global Inc./SFC Valve Corp
    What I say here are my own thoughts and opinions and do not reflect views of my employer.
    Doug Eicher, Jan 7, 2004
  2. The first tech resource is your VAR (after this group, of course.)


    of my employer.
    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 7, 2004
  3. Doug Eicher

    matt Guest


    Your support should come from the folks you bought the software from,
    so that's local. If you find some problem with that support, you can
    get help from Boston, but you shouldn't get in the habit of doing that,
    the response time is probably not as good. The folks in Boston are
    there to help your local support folks if they get stuck. I imagine
    there is support in India, but that is for people from India. The
    quaility of resellers varies a lot. Some resellers have this nasty
    habit of putting wet-behind-the-ears newbies on tech support, which I
    think is a big mistake. I recommend getting to know the guys at your
    reseller and finding a way to make sure you get your tougher questions

    matt, Jan 7, 2004
  4. The way it works is you pay yearly for support to your local VAR. In turn
    if you have a good VAR they will take the time to work through any question
    you may have reguarding functionality of SolidWorks wether it be bugs or
    settings etc obviously they are not going to train you unless you have a
    deal worked out with them on that which means more $$. Our VAR is quite
    friendly and knowledgeable I have never been disapointed. If you submit a
    bug that they can verify then they submit it to SW for a SPR if one has not
    already been submitted then they may notify you when SW has issued the SPR
    and when it has been fixed.

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Jan 7, 2004
  5. Doug Eicher

    Doug Eicher Guest

    IIRC, for PTC, the second source (first being USENET or Pro/USER
    listserv :^) is PTC or RAND, who we dumped. I guess with SW, VAR
    selection is as important as the initial software purchase.

    BTW, the tech call came via PTC's call logger web form.

    Doug Eicher, Jan 7, 2004
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