SolidWorks Task Scheduler

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by CSWP, Oct 30, 2003.

  1. CSWP

    CSWP Guest

    The task scheduler is very nice. Of course I wouldn't be posting here
    if I didn't have a problem with it.

    SolidWorks task scheduler uses an extra license if you are on the
    SolidWorks Network License. This sort of makes sense but creates a
    huge hassel if you want to do something during the working hours. If
    you scheduled something to run and your are topped out for liscense's
    your task will run but won't complete. The task scheduler does let
    you know that it couldn't obtain a license which is nice. You think
    they would have found a way to have the scheduler not need a license
    to do what it needed.

    CSWP, Oct 30, 2003
  2. The task scheduler should use a seat of sw from the network otherwise it
    would be like SW giving away a free seat of SW. The task scheduler is the
    same thing as paying someone to sit down & do that task. In which case that
    person would actually need a seat of SW. Yes it would be nice if it did not
    use a seat, but I am like you & I totally understand why it would.

    Are you noticing that the task scheduler will also close & reopen Solidworks
    for each & every file? On my end it seems to do this even if I leave sw
    running before the scheduled time. It will actually start another session
    of solidworks & close & open the solidworks app for every file. I think
    this is very inefficient. But it still has a benefit in automating tasks.
    However because of the above issue I only run the task scheduler at night.
    Which I think is actually how it is marketed as everything I have seen &
    read the they state that the user can automate tasks while the computer is
    not in use or running tasks at night. So I guess we got what they said.

    Steve Tietz
    Steve Tietz \(renderman\), Oct 30, 2003
  3. CSWP

    kellnerp Guest

    We have one network license for floaters. I'll have to be careful to shut
    down SWBOEngine on those machines.
    kellnerp, Nov 1, 2003
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